The 5th IGC (INVEN Game Conference) is just days away. IGC, for the last 4 years, have invited the industry leaders of the gaming industry from all around the world, and have shared their knowledge with the future game producers and developers.
This year’s IGC is in collaboration with ‘G-CON’, which is held at G-Star each year. Through this collaboration, visitors will be greeted with a lot more variety and content. We at INVEN hope that through this year’s IGC, the future game developers and producers that will be starting new trends in Korea’s game industry will be able to learn a lot.
Therefore, our line-up of lecturers consists of only the best. From people halfway across the world, to your friendly neighborhood developers, we’ve compiled a list of all the lecturers that will be presenting themselves in day 1 of IGC x G-CON.
This year’s IGC x G-CON will be from 11 a.m. to 6:40 p.m., with 9 lectures being 40, 30, or 50 minutes (for keynote presentations). It will all either be held in the IGC lecture hall or the G-CON lecture hall, with both lecture halls being on the first floor of the Bexco Exhibition Center 2.
※Pre-registration passes aren’t available this year. To those that registered for the lectures, you may pick them up at the info booth, and can also register on-site.

Game Title- The Seven Deadly Sins
Lecturer - Jaeyoung Choi (Funny Paw, CTO)
Title - ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Postmortem
Location - IGC Lecture Hall
Time - 11:00 ~ 11:40

This lecture will be a postmortem of the development process for ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: GRAND CROSS’, which was released in June of this year.
Funny Paw’s CTO, Jaeyoung Choi will be talking about how to direct when developing a game based on an anime, and how to deliver the same emotions as the original anime.
Game Title- Brawl Stars
Lecturer - Frank Keienburg (Supercell, Game Lead)
Title - How Supercell 's Culture enabled the launch of Brawl Stars
Location - G-CON Lecture Hall
Time - 11:00 ~ 11:40

Frank Keienburg, the Game Lead for Supercell’s Brawl Stars, will take the stage for a lecture.
He will talk about Supercell’s industry culture, how its culture affected the release of Brawl Stars, and what kind of insight that the developers maintained during the process.
Game Title - Last Origin
Lecturer - Bok Gyu Dong (Smartjoy, Director)
Title of Lecture - Games for the New Generation
Location of Lecture - IGC Lecture Hall
Time - 11:50 ~ 12:30

At IGC, Bok Gyu Dong, the director at Smartjoy, will be analyzing the consumers of the game industry, and will be talking about how to develop a game for these consumers.
He will be sharing what he learned from the development and the service process from Last Origin, and how to develop the games for the up and coming young adults in their 20s. He will be talking about what points to consider, and which areas you need to focus, in order to develop the right game for these consumers.
Game Title - N/A
Lecturer - Kim Sung Joon (NHN)
Title - Hacks in Mobile Games and its Defense Techniques - A Start of an Endless War
Location - G-CON Lecture Hall
Time - 11:50 ~ 12:30

Kim Sung Joon, the head of NHN, will be talking about the endless war against the hacks in servicing a game. After the bloom of the mobile game market, the battle between hackers and the defense of the game developers is still ongoing.
He will be talking about the hacking cases of the games he has serviced, the technological results, and the skills that he learned from defending against these hackers.
※KEY NOTE lectures will be held on a big stage that’s combined with the IGC and the G-CON lecture halls
Game Title - Total War: Three Kingdoms
Lecturers - Janos Gaspar, Pawel Wojs (Creative Assembly)
Title - Finding Total War’s future in the ‘Romance of the Three Kingdoms’.
Location - Combined Lecture Hall
Time - 13:00 ~ 13:50

Janos Gaspar is the game director at Creative Assembly (CA), the developers of ‘Total War: Three Kingdoms’, which is a game that was well received in Korea. Pawel Wojs, who will also be visiting IGC alongside Janos Gaspar, is the art director of the same project.
‘Total War: Three Kingdoms’ is a game crafted into perfection utilizing ‘Romance of the Three Kingdoms’. Through this game, players were able to learn how appealing the topic of ‘Three Kingdoms’, and how developers from the West view the ‘Three Kingdoms’
Especially with Korean dubbing, ‘Total War: Three Kingdoms’ has been met with more popularity than any other ‘Total War’ series in Korea. Even those that didn’t know about ‘Total War’ completely fell in love with what the game had to offer. In this lecture, they will be talking about how they expressed the iconic characters of the ‘Three Kingdoms’, how they broke down the boundaries between truth and fiction, and how they packaged all these factors to beautifully present these factors in one game.
Game Title - Sky: Children of Light
Lecturer - Jenova Chen (Thatgamecompany, President)
Title - From Journey to Sky, Lessons learned from seeking social connections
Location - Combined Lecture Hall
Time - 14:00 ~ 14:50

Although the President of Thatgamecompany’s Jenova Chen isn’t well known in Korea, his games are pretty well-known throughout the gaming communities in Korea. ‘Journey’, despite being an indie game, was awarded several GOTY in 2012.
Last July, Thatgamecompany released ‘Sky: Children of Light’, their first new title in 7 years. Although it’s a mobile game, it still retains the characteristics of a Thatgamecompany’s game. Jenova Chen is scheduled to talk about the ‘Multiplay’ that’s been crafted from ‘Journey’ and ‘Sky: Children of Light’. Despite only being able to communicate through drawings in the sand, ‘Journey’ is a game that provides users with a fantastic experience.
In this lecture, Jenova Chen will be talking about how in-game design creates emotions that players can relate with, and how the game affects players’ actions and moral values.
Lecturer - Song Min Seok (Unity Korea, Sr. Sales Manager)
Title - Unity Service - An introduction to 3D Chat and Hybrid Cloud Service, Multiplay.
Location - IGC Lecture Hall
Time - 15:10 ~ 15:50

Song Min Seok of Unity Korea has built his career as a programmer and architect in health care, e-commerce, and media. After, he was in charge of technology strategy between service providers and game companies at Microsoft. After he joined Unity Korea, he has been in charge of game business headquarters.
He will be introducing about Unity’s 3D chat service and the hybrid cloud service, ‘Multiplay’.
Title of Work - Denma
Lecturer - Youngsoon Yang
Title - How to create a universe and tell a story: Case studies of the Webtoon, ‘Denma’.
Location - G-CON Lecture hall
Time - 15:10 ~ 15:50

Youngsoon Yang, is an author not only known for ‘Denma’, but also for her different work in the Korean cartoon industry.
A cartoon author is related to a game conference in many ways. Not only Yang’s works are known for her unique psychological description, her ability to create unique universes and characters, and to tell a great story within that universe is incredible. And all these traits are important when it comes to games.
Yang’s lecture topic correlates with such traits. She will be talking about what she learned when creating a fictional universe for ‘Denma’, and how to tell a great story.
Lecturer - Ji Gook Hwan (President, Moontm)
Title - 7th year as living as an indie game developer
Location - IGC Lecture Hall
Time - 16:00 ~ 16:40

Ji Gook Hwan, President of Moontm, is a veteran indie game developer. He has been developing games by himself for 7 years, and with small and big successes in his career, he’s known as a one-man developer.
However, it’s not easy at all. Ji will be talking about some of the things he went through in his tenure, the life as a one-man indie game developer, and the process of overcoming such issues.
Lecturer - Ji Hwan Lim (Google, Strategic Partnership Manager)
Title - Best Practice and Strategies for Monetizing Gaming Apps
Location - G-CON Lecture Hall
Time - 16:00 ~ 16:40

Successful game developers not only make great games, but also pay much attention to things outside the game such as advertisements and data analysis.
Google’s Lim Ji Hwan will be talking about insight on advertisements and billing system, and the correct strategies to consumer response.
Game Title - Claudia
Lecturer - Jang Min Seok (Chungkang College of Cultural Industries)
Title - Postmortem on the development process of Claudia: The grind behind creating vivid characters
Location - IGC Lecture Hall
Time - 16:50 ~ 17:20

‘Claudia’ is an action platformer that originally started as graduate work for Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, with a classic cartoonish touch from a great paintbrush.
As the leader of the student developer team, ‘Team Storm’, he was in charge of production and development of ‘Claudia’. At this year’s IGC, Jang will be talking about the difficulties he faced in creating ‘Claudia’, how he overcame them, and what he learned from creating the unique and vivid characters of ‘Claudia’.
Game Title - The Sandbox
Lecturer - Sebastien Borget (COO, The Sandbox)
Title - A Decentralized Gaming Platform Made by Players
Location - G-CON Lecture Hall
Time - 16:50 ~ 17:20

The Sandbox (www.sandbox.game) is a game that allows users to create their own content for other users to enjoy. Recently, Sandbox implemented Blockchain technology for decentralization.
Games like Minecraft and Roblox can become a lot better with Blockchain technology. Gamers can claim ownership for the digital content that they create and it can establish a new consumption ecosystem. Sebastien Borget will be talking about how the game developers’ stance should be, when it comes to these ecosystems.
Lecturer - Inven Global, Nick D'Orazio
Title - A Decentralized Gaming Platform Made by Players
Location - IGC Lecture Hall
Time - 17:30 ~ 18:00

Nick D’Orazio has worked in the North American esports industry for many years,and he’s currently the Strategic Content Director at Inven Global. Although the esports industry in North America is similar to that of Korea in many ways, it’s also different as well. For those that want to break into the market, these differences are fresh, yet feel like huge walls at the same time.
Nick D’Orazio will be talking about the perspectives of Western esports fans, and the contents that will satisfy them. He will be talking about the different marketing strategies and content creation that will satisfy North American esports fans.
Lecturer - Jim Ying (CVCapital)
Title - Cross-border Investment and M&A in Games
Location - G-CON Lecture hall
Time - 17:30 ~ 18:00

As the game industry matures, an ‘international standard’ has been set within the game industry. While the differences in regional markets can’t be ignored, you often see companies targeting a market in different regions, investments in corporations that have a good place in a certain market, or even M&As.
Jim Ying, the Managing Director for Digital Entertainment at CVCaptial will be talking about finding the right trend in the ever changing world game market, how to make the right investments and M&As. He will be providing insight to those that yearn much success in their businesses, detailed investment strategies based on timelines, and an introduction to the process of an M&A.
Game Title - SKUL
Lecturer - Park Sang Woo (SouthPAW Games, President)
Title - Developing SKUL - How was SKUL created?
Location - IGC Lecture Hall
Time - 18:10 ~ 18:40

‘SKUL’, developed by SouthPAW Games, is a pixelated roguelike game, with a small skeleton as the main character. There’s nothing new about finding new gear and learning new abilities, but making use of a skull’s characteristics to replace the main character’s head is a unique design that attracts players. ‘SKUL’ will be released through the 3 major console systems and on PC before the end of the year.
Park will be talking about the numerous ordeals he had to go through while developing ‘SKUL’, and how he overcame them. He’ll also be talking about the different things he did to develop ‘SKUL’, and future plans for SouthPAW Games.
Lecturer - Patrick Rose (GAMES ANALYSTS)
Title - Western Trends in Game Design, Monetization Models, and Tech
Location - G-CON Lecture Hall
Time - 18:10 ~ 18:40

Although there has been much globalization in the game industry, Korean game developers still do not know much about the Western gaming market. From trends, preferences, types of billings, to the attitudes the Western audience, there’s a lot of differences in each regions’ market.
Patrick Rose, the Founder of GAMES ANALYSTS, will be talking about the trends in the Western gaming market. From game designs, billing models, to the technological flow, he will be thoroughly explaining how the Western gaming market is.
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