After not winning a game earlier in the week, Clutch sat at 0-3, needing to win all three of their games in the second Round Robin to advance to the knockouts. FNC was their first opponent, and after a near hour of game-play (and a lot of Infinity Edges), Clutch's Nexus fell.

While it was an incredibly difficult road they needed to travel to make it to Madrid, it would've been a beautiful one if they did. Alas, they join their fellow NA reps, Cloud9, on the trip back to LA instead.
Clutch made it through the Play-In Stage after some rocky games against UoL, but really came together against the other teams they faced. Unfortunately, the step up to the Giants in the LEC, LPL, and LCK were too much. This was donned the main "Group of Death" for the tournament, but it's clear Clutch and Clutch fans were hoping for more.

These are the last games with the Clutch name, as they will complete their rebrand to Dignitas after the tournament.
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