The third official Group of Death is over. Why Group of Death, you ask? Simply because of all the INTeresting play we've seen, of course. What seemed like a clear cut group with an expected 6-0 for FunPlus PhoeniX turned into an LEC dream and LPL-almost-nightmare.

At the end of it all, FunPlus did of course finish the day as the first seed, but dropping down to a possible elimination part way through the day was never expected from the Chinese first seed. In any case, all's well that ends well, right? They go on to face the second seed of some other group next week in the Quarterfinals.
Splyce had an incredible comeback in this second Round Robin, and finish as the second seed thanks to their incredible 3-0 run into a loss in their tiebreaker match.

When it comes to an MVP for the day, there are only two options, either all of FPX (because really look at their kKDAs in the last two games alone). Or Tamás "Vizicsacsi" Kiss. Why Csacsi, you ask? (You sure do seem to be asking a lot of questions today.)
Because Csacsi had been one of the weaker performers on Splyce, was known for a small champ pool, and was often taken advantage of in the Group Stage (and even back to UoL). With Marek "Humanoid" Brázdaalso underperforming, and Kasper "Kobbe" Kobberup usually playing late game scaling traditional marksmen, it often came down to one Kobbe play at the end of the game to determine the victor.

Andrei "Xerxe" Dragomirused to have to cover for his top laner, not allowing them to take full potential of speeding up the hyper scaling champ in their build. Today, however, Viziscasci was crucial in their 3-0 run in the three second Round Robin games.
In the first two games, he went 1/1/10, and 7/1/7 on Gnar and Cho'Gath respectively. In the last, he went 1/5/8 on Gangplank. And while you may ask how he could deserve such an honor with a Gold IV Gangplank KDA, his explanation for that game made plenty of sense!

In his post game interview, Scasci explained that Kobbe was having a rough matchup, and they decided as a team to shift him into top for an easier lane. Since Csacsi was playing a global ult champ, all he needed was experience and to defend his weak side tower enough to keep it standing.
So he paid for his team's decisions and laughed about it, just happy to have made it to the knockouts. That's the type of mental MVPs have.
Of course, at the end of the day, FPX finished strong claiming first seed for the group. But other than the slight edge I'd give to Kim "Doinb" Tae-sang for being the crux of their team, they all performed very well in their final matches.

With that, Group B has come to an end - For better or worse. Group A plays the next set of games, where we will find out who out of G2 and GRF (and C9) will make it out to the knockout rounds and if an LMS non-first seed will ever win a game at Worlds.

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