In addition to all the fun and games announced in their anniversary celebration, Riot is revealing the Social Impact Fund, which they launched earlier this year. This fund will be a platform to allow players from each region to choose what charities receive raised funds. Riot has already donated over four million just this year using this system, and now establishes it as the hub for their global charity endeavors.
Riot has been raising money for charity since the very beginning, usually through skin sales. In 2010, the Urf Warwick skin was released to save real live manatees. In 2011, Riot and it's players raised over $160,000 with the Nurse Akali skin. Then in 2012, the Jaximus skin sales raised money for the Make a Wish Foundation.
In 2017, the Championship Ashe skin sent over two million USD to three charities chosen by League's playerbase. Then finally in 2018, Riot raised over six million for cancer prevention with the Dark Star Cho'Gath skin.
This year, Riot is releasing Dawnbringer Karma as the first skin to utilize this new Social Impact Fund, and 100% of the skin's proceeds will go in the fund.

What do you think of the Social Impact Fund, and how much do you think the community can raise with the Dawnbringer Karma sales?
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