Patch 9.19 brings more champions to competitive level, smaller buffs and impactful nerfs. Most of the changes are focused on the professional League of Legends scene as well as Worlds, having more diverse picks in mind. Several new skins were released with the patch, including prestige.

Championship Ryze was released for Patch 9.19 on Thursday, Sept. 26. The skin also feature a golden chroma that you can get through completing missions from the Worlds 2019 campaign.
The skin was the target of controversy on Reddit. Fans said his Championship skin has very similar particles to the skin SKT got three years ago. The auto-attack animations and other effects all look similar, making League of Legends fans accuse Riot of cash grabbing. The skin costs 975 RP.
See for yourself:
Find the full update notes here: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-919-notes
Also no Worlds 2019 song yet.

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