Patch came to Overwatch on Jan 24th. The biggest part of the patch was of course, D.VA and Ana’s nerf and the change to Roadhog’s Chain Hook.
D.VA, who used to be a main tank while also being an effective DPS at the same time, got her Armor decreased from 400 to 200 and her Health increased from 200 to 400. For her Fusion Cannon, the bullet damaged has decreased from 3 to 2 and the number of bullets per shot has increased from 8 to 11.
D.VA had good damage-dealing capabilities against all heroes, but now it seems she will do less damage to the enemies with high hit points and will have to hit every bullet in order to give the same damage as before. While it will be more difficult for her to stay alive, she will still likely remain as one of the most-picked heroes, as her Defense Matrix is still very effective.
Ana, who used to be a top-tier healer, even more effective than Lucio and Mercy, also got her skills nerfed by this update. The effect duration of her Bio Grenade has been reduced to 4 seconds and the healing boost on allies has been decreased by 50%. It seems now that Ana’s healing will be less effective, but Biotic Rifle is still good for fast healing and Nano Boost still remains powerful. The combination of Ana and Lucio will still be as effective as always.
Roadhog’s Chain Hook has been a hot issue among Overwatch players. A lot of tests have been going on in the PTR server to find a balance for Roadhog’s Chain Hook.
Targets are now pulled directly in front of Roadhog, and are released if they leave Roadhog’s line of sight before being pulled. This seems to resolve the issue where targets look like they are being pulled straight through walls.
It will now be easier for Roadhog to initiate combo attacks, since enemies are pulled directly in front of him, and the line-of-sight fix will allow skilled Roadhog players to stand out through effective Chain Hook technique. Some users who tested Roadhog after the patch said that this patch seemed like it was going to be a nerf for Roadhog, but actually turned out not to be.
Video source: YouTube - Byungho Yoo
Other balance updates include Lucio’s new hero option of Backwards Wall Ride and Sombra’s reduced cooldown for her hack. However, it has yet to be determined if Sombra’s buff will be effective or not.
The entirety of the patch note can be found here.
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