In face of the overwhelming popularity of World of Warcraft: Classic, the developers at Blizzard has decided to open "Free Character Move" services for players with characters on the most populated realms. Fans learned of the news today when Community Manager Kaivax took to the official forums and wrote the following:
"We are working to open our Free Character Move service for select WoW Classic realms in the coming days.
When free character moves become available from one of the most highly-populated realms, players will see the option to initialize a free character move on either the character select screen or the queue screen of the realm.
To best prepare, please note that a character cannot move if the character:
- is a guild leader.
- has active auction listings or bids.
- has mail.
We will post full details about the realms available and character restrictions when we open the service."
Some of the games most popular realms, including Herod, Whitemane, Faerilina and more have been plagued with oppressively long queues since the initial launch on August 26th. Players have been waiting upwards of 4-5 hours in queue during prime gaming hours and, as such, Blizzard has been criticized openly for their handling of the launch.
Despite WoW: Classic's infamy and popularity, it appears that Blizzard underestimated the number of players that would want to join in. In addition, Blizzards decision to allow name reservations ahead of the launch date needlessly filled the original servers to the absolute brim
Groups of friends and old guild-mates, while reserving their names, found it difficult to switch to a less crowded server due to their initial time investment and desire to keep their friend group on the same realm.
There have been new realms created to meet the demand of players, but only Free Character Moves have a chance of quelling some of the horrible queues the most full servers are experiencing. Blizzard hasn't announced specifics of when this transfer option will go live, but considering the option will be presented within the game client, it is fair to expect this service will be very popular.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Comments :1
level 2 Tony_Smith
Now, more and more players are choosing to buy WOW Classic Gold on ZZWOW. They realized that the Gold of ZZWOW is the cheapest on the market and will not be punished by the system. If you have any questions about this, I can guarantee you that https://www.zzwow.com/wow-classic-gold is 100% safe.