Fortnite Season X continues to roll out with new updates, the most recent being a new skin set inspired by Season 9's cinematic event "Final Showdown" which featured an epic battle between the Cattus, a massive and terrifying kaiju, and the Mecha Team Leader, a giant combat robot that had lied dormant in Pressure Plant for the entirety of the season.

Final Showdown took place in the eleventh and final week of Fortnite Season 9, catalyzed by the Cattus' emergence from Polar Peak. The monster destroyed everything its path to Loot Lake, where it began attacking the vault in a series of furious attacks and laser beams. The Mecha Team Leader, which had been in construction starting two and a half weeks before to combat the Cattus' imminent attack on the island the Fortnite map lays across.
After a long battle that caused destruction and damage to several portions of the map, the Mecha got the upper hand by smashing the Loot Lake vault and using its energy as a force against the Cattus. The titanic robot then pulled the Singularity Statue out of Neo-Tilted, using it as a giant sword to strike down the Cattus for good. The Cattus' skeleton can be seen on the map in Season X with the Singularity Statue/sword still embedded in the location of its fatal blow.
The full Final Showdown set not only features the Mecha Team Leader robot armor as a skin set, but also offers a multitude of other forms of customization. The "Mecha Team" Wrap, "Jet Set" Back Bling, and the "Combo Cleaver" Harvesting Tool are all available in addition to the skin set. Lastly, players have four different emotes to choose from should they prefer to express themselves to other players in the community through a variety of ways.
With Season X being themed around the return of the Visitor, other callbacks from the Cinematic Events from Season 3 and Season 4, and the addition of the controversial B.R.U.T.E. mech to the Fortnite community, future mech-themed or cyber-aesthetic skins may be released in the future.
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