On the 25th (KST), SK Telecom T1 dominated DAMWON Gaming in the Rift and won 3-0 to qualify for Worlds and to reach the LCK finals for the second straight time. After the match, Park “Teddy” Jin-seong, who hadn’t been to Worlds yet, mentioned that he wouldn’t believe it until they get packed to go to Worlds.
Below is our full interview with Teddy.

You’ve confirmed a ticket to Worlds and the LCK Finals. How do you feel?
More than us qualifying for Worlds, I feel good that we came all the way up here from the bottom. I don’t think I’ll be able to believe it until we get packed for Worlds. I’ll do my best to end the season well.
Which teammate do you think contributed the most in today’s match?
Rather than picking one player, I think all the players did well and concentrated well.
Why do you think SKT is so good at Bo5s and playoffs?
I think it’s because all the players are really good concentrating. Also, our head coach, kkOma and captain Faker balance us well in the center.
SKT is preparing a unique composition in every round. Isn’t it too much to show before the finals? Is it a strategy for SKT?
I don’t think we have too many cards to show Griffin, but what we picked were champions that go well with each situation. The champions that we picked weren’t that important hidden cards.
Do you have any hidden picks up your sleeve?
No, I don’t have any.
Now, you’ll be facing Griffin. What are you the most cautious of?
Not much. All Griffin players are good. I just think that all we need to do is be equally as good or better. Rather than being cautious of them, we just need to be good at what we do.
At the same time, you’ll be going to Worlds, to compete against teams around the world. It’s your first Worlds appearance… How do you feel?
From when I was really young, I dreamt of Worlds. When I was in Jin Air, watching Worlds with the other players as an underdog of the league, I really wished to go. So I actually feel really good now.
How are other players’ reactions who are going to Worlds for the first time?
I haven’t seen anybody overly excited yet. All I remember is kkOma coming to us after the match saying, ‘we qualified for worlds!’
Which region or team are you looking out for the most?
G2 of the LEC have decisive plays and pick very unique champions in their positions. I’d like to face them.
Aside from the matches, is there anything you’d like to experience at Worlds?
At Worlds, I’d like to hear the sound of the crowd. I want to hear the fans cheer for SKT and shout SKT.
Any last comments to the coaching staff and teammates?
I’d like to say thank you to the coaching staff for caring for us players until late, not even being able to sleep much. I’m also proud of all the players, including the subs. Let’s keep up the good work.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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