Cloud9 Jungler Dennis "Svenskeren" Johnsen is the 2019 LCS Summer Split Most Valuable Player. Svenskeren's performance in the summer was so otherworldly that the Danish veteran won the award, as well as being named to the 2019 LCS Summer All-Pro Team, despite playing only 79% of the split.

While Cloud9 certainly wasn't a bad team with Robert "Blaber" Huang starting in the Jungle, Svenskeren's form was unmatched by any other Jungler in the LCS. When placed alongside his Jungle peers, Svenskeren ranked within the top 5 in every major Jungle statistic involving kills, assists, or gold differential.
Svenskeren has been a top Jungler in North America since moving down to the Academy League last summer to figure it out, but this may be a new peak in the Jungler's nearly decade-long career. The aggression Blaber displayed in his LCS debut a calendar year ago seem to have spread to the entire team, and most specifically, Svenskeren.
Even in his carry years on SK Gaming, Svenskeren's aggression has never been this razor sharp, and his enormous presence in the Jungle has been integral in Cloud9's success. Svenskeren was one of the best Junglers at the 2018 World Championship, and with C9 already qualified for Worlds 2019 regardless of the result in the Finals match this weeekend against Team Liquid, he will soon have a chance to repeat that performance again.
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