On August 17th, SKT won 2:1 in their match against Sandbox Gaming and has secured their position in playoffs.
After winning the match, we spoke briefly with SKT’s top laner, Khan. SKT is awaiting their last meet & greet for the regular season. We asked Khan a few questions about his prior experiences in these events, including which player has the most fans lining up to meet and what his favorite fan gifts are. Let’s see what he had to say.
Hello. I am Khan, top laner for T1. Thank you for coming out!
The game was particularly long. How was it?
The game before that was also long, so having Game 2 be as long as it was and to have a pause in between must have made it tough for the fans. Nonetheless, us maintaining focus until the end allowed us to get the result we wanted.
Your fans are staying late for the meet & greet. It’s probably because this will be the last one for the regular season. How is it like seeing so much loyalty from your fans?
We’re always thankful for our fans for staying late to cheer us on. The support we get gives us another reason to stay focused. Our fans allow us to do well, so we’re always appreciative of them.
Let’s talk about the meet & greet. How does the SKT version typically take place?
I’d say it’s similar to that of any other LCK teams. The fans line up behind each player, and I’m not sure if we do anything that’s different from other meet & greets. Fans usually choose to get an autograph or take pictures. I was made aware that hugging and other forms of physical contact are not allowed, but standing close or shaking hands to take a photo is permitted.

SKT has fans lining up for each player, and we’d expect Faker to have the longest line. What’s typically the order of how long the line is for each player?
Yeah, Faker has the longest line, of course, and I believe Teddy comes next. Then, it’s either me, Clid, or Mata. We’re all pretty similar.
So Teddy comes second, and the rest of you guys are similar?
Fans approach you with gifts or having something to say. Anything that was memorable?
One time, a fan came to me and asked if I can yell really loudly. There is also this one person who always tells me corny jokes. Many fans have gifts that they give, but I have a really bad memory. I feel bad because I don’t remember all the gifts that fans give me, but I am always thankful that people come out to give these gifts.
What’s with the yelling incident?
This person, just out of the blue, tells me to yell really loudly, so I yelled ‘AH!’. When I did that, a person beside me got really startled. Other people have come to me after that to request the same thing. I don’t want to startle people anymore, so I politely tell them no.
Do you remember any specific gifts?
I received a lot of things to eat before, and many of them had high calories. I gained a lot of weight after eating them, so I went on my stream and said, “This is what happens when I eat all those gifts, so if you want to give food, please give me my favorite side dish, tuna can(laugh).”
Then the fans gave me a lot of tuna cans, and I still have a lot of them in the refrigerator! I really like tuna cans, so I eat one can every time I eat.
You must’ve eaten all the snacks that people gave you.
At first, I didn’t want to waste food, so I ate all the snacks, but now it’s becoming harder to do that. It hurts me everytime as I look in the mirror, so please forgive me if I don’t eat everything.

Do you get many compliments? Anything that was memorable?
I’m not sure if ‘memorable’ is the right word, but I did have one funny moment. This person came up to me and said that they didn’t have many days before their exam, so I told them that they should be studying rather than coming to watch our games. I thought that was funny.
Do you think that person wanted you to scold?
Was there anyone that was rude to you?
I’m not sure. I have a positive mindset about everyone I meet. Waiting that long after our games, only to wait in line again, takes a lot of effort. When considering that, no one was ever particularly rude to me. Everyone was nice.
That’s good. Is there a common request people make?
People say I can rap, but it’s not good enough for me to do it in public. They ask me to do it, but I can’t. Sorry.
Fans send you good food to eat before the games. Do you get it often?
I can tell that fans put a lot of effort in the foods they send. I really enjoy them.
You are about to have your last meet & greet for the regular season. What will you say?
I always have something to say when I go to meet & greets. Today, I think I’ll say, “Thank you for supporting us until the very end.” That should be sufficient.
I believe it was an SKT fan, but we heard that a foreigner came to the game for cheer, and missed their plane because of the late game today. Any words of consolation?
Wow. If it were me, I wouldn’t have looked back and just ran. I believe that one of the reasons that we play well is due to the support of our fans. When we do well, we credit the fans for it, and when we don’t do well, it’s really on us. I’d like to thank our fans for their support.

You’d probably feel worse about if you lost.
If we lost, wow. I would’ve kneeled down and begged for forgiveness, knowing that person missed the plane because of it.
Nonetheless, SKT should breathe a sigh of relief after today’s games. Anything that you want to say to your fans and teammates?
Many people had high expectations when we first formed our roster, but we didn’t quite meet those expectations. We even had a losing streak in the middle of it. Even through that, we are thankful that our fans did not lose hope in us and continued to cheer for us.
To my teammates, I’d like to tell them thanks. We have players from different backgrounds with varying experiences. It’s easy to take pride in those things, but for each one of them to eat their pride to adjust with one another, it was really awesome to see. Thanks for sticking until the end.
Khan, you must be exhausted but you speak with such energy!
I consider this as another responsibility of mine. You must do your job well. You can’t slack off in doing your work. I want to do well until the end, whether that’s in-game, doing interviews, or going to meet & greets.
Oh, and I’ll see you in the playoffs! Bye-bye!

A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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