Today, Blizzard community manager Bornakk created a post on World of Warcraft forums urging players to avoid the overwhelmingly full servers in favor of new ones that will be open just a week before the launch of World of Warcraft: Classic. The announcement was a necessary one, as currently all of the existing PvP realms are labeled as "Full" or "High" in population.
The forum post is as follows:
The existing PvP realms all now have either a Full or High population tag. With the potential for extended queues on the Full realms, and 10,000+ queues on Herod, we are opening two new PvP realms on Monday, August 19 at 6:00 p.m. PDT:
- Blaumeux – PvP – Pacific Time Zone
- Skeram – PvP – Eastern Time Zone
We urge players on PvP realms to consider moving to one of these realms. Doing so will help spread the player population as evenly as possible before launch and provide the best play experience for everyone.
Below, you can see that the only two servers that aren't already filled are RP servers, Bloodsail Buccaneers and Grobbulus.
However, both of these servers are already at "medium" and considering how Blizzard explained earlier in the month that a realm listed as "medium" actually means it will be more populated than the most popular 2006 server, the problem becomes self-evident.

Simply put, it seems that Blizzard has severely underestimated the number of players interested in WoW Classic. On the other hand, having servers at max capacity is a good problem to have considering the doubt surrounding Classic's initial announcement.
While this "problem" may still be an artifact of nostalgic hype and not necessarily protect the game from the rapid player drop-off many critics expect, it is important to note how overcrowded servers may sour players initial experience of the game.
After all, it is hard to imagine how World of Warcraft: Classic gameplay will actually feel in such unprecedentedly large servers.
The two new servers will open up on August 19 at 6:00 p.m. PDT. The official launch of WoW: Classic is still slated for August 26th at 3:00 PM PDT.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Comments :2
level 1 toinetoine
After all, it is hard to imagine how World of Warcraft: Classic gameplay will actually feel in such unprecedentedly large servers.
It's not hard to imagine for private server players. Nostalrius, Elysium, and Lights Hope all had constant 10k+ population no matter the time of day (due to being worldwide server). It was tons of fun!