On the 15th (KST), DAMWON Gaming defeated SK Telecom T1 2-0 in the 2019 LCK Summer Split and became the second team to confirm a spot in the playoffs. As of this win, they’ve secured at least 3rd place for the regular season with one more match left. In the match, the MVP leaders of the LCK were again selected as MVPs and were interviewed. The following is an interview with Heo “Showmaker” Su and Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu.

As of your win against SKT today, you’ve secured a spot in the playoffs. How do you feel?
Showmaker: I thought it would be a tough match, but I feel good that we were able to win 2-0.
Canyon: I thought it’ll be 2-1. I’m happy that we won 2-0.
The early game was more in SKT’s favor. How did you think you would play out the game?
Showmaker: We were unfavorable, but the dragons we took were alright, so we said that we should concentrate more as we go into the late game.
There was a teamfight that DWG turned around. How was that situation?
Showmaker: For us to fight in that situation, we needed to form a proper teamfight formation, but all of a sudden, Canyon started screaming, “They got me! Helpmehelpmehelpmehelpme!” While we were trying to help, Nuguri was constantly saying that he was too far away… But the fight somehow turned out well.
When did you see that the game could be turned around?
Canyon: We were trying to snatch Karma. At the Baron fight, I saw Renekton in the brush with my Lens. I told my teammates to respond immediately, and I engaged onto Karma. I think that’s why we were able to win that fight.
Showmaker’s Akali is always amazing, but somehow, your Akali win rate is just barely over 50%. What do you think the reason is?
Showmaker: I always wonder. I guess I wasn’t good enough; I should be able to play better. (Laughs)
You two are in the MVP race at the top. It feels that one of you will become the final season MVP. Who do you think will get it?
Canyon: I don’t know. (Laughs)
Showmaker: I wish Canyon gets it. If he does, since we’re teammates, he’ll at least do something nice for me, wouldn’t he? (Laughs) I wish either one of us gets it.
Your last match is against Gen.G Esports. How would you prepare?
Showmaker: Gen.G is attempting many different strategies like switching their mid laners and all. I think it’ll be important for us to prepare well by catching their strategy well.
Canyon: We’ll win the match against Gen.G by preparing well.
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