Deft has great synergy with Jinx.
With Jinx, Deft won 12 out of the 13 matches that he's played her on stage; an astounding 92.3% win rate.
"She's kind of like Caitlyn," Deft said. "It's true that Jinx lacks an escape skill, but her firepower makes up for it. Honestly speaking, I think I have a high win rate on Jinx because I know when it's a good time to play her, not because I'm necessarily good with her. To make good use of her, you need to know what kind of team composition she goes well with, and what kind of team composition that she's strong against."
On the 14th, against DWG, Deft played Jinx on the 3rd game and carried the team. During picks & bans, Deft wore a wide smile as he picked Jinx. The crowd cheered.
"It feels great when I play Jinx and win. I also really like the fact that the fans enjoy watching me play her. Kog'Maw and Caitlyn used to be my signature picks. Now, I think it's more correct to say that Jinx is my signature pick."
Deft stated that the most memorable Jinx game that he's played was back in 2015 MSI. At the time, alongside EDG, Deft was able to push through the tournament and win.
"I played Jinx for the very first time at 2015 MSI. A lot of players were inspired by my pick and they started playing Jinx, too. At the time, I had confidence that I can beat anybody with Jinx, no matter which champion they play. Jinx was actually a decent champion during that meta, but I think my confidence played a bigger part."
When asked if he wants a Jinx skin if he's to win the World Championship, Deft gave an unexpected answer. "It'd be awesome to get my own Jinx skin, but I always wanted a Kog'Maw one. Kog'Maw kind of meets the description of an Alpaca... They both spit."
Would Deft date a girl with Jinx's personality? He answered yes, further elaborating that as he's the silent type, an outgoing girl would do him good.
Deft also added that he no longer feels Jinx'd about his old curse. "All my career, I had to chew gum to play well. During Rift Rivals, however, I performed well despite not having any during the game."
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