After 1,176 days, Counter Logic Gaming ended its losing streak against TSM. A strong performance by CLG Jungler Raymond "Wiggily" Griffin on Sylas set up the high damage composition led by Mid Laner Tristan "PowerofEvil" Schrage on Corki. CLG got an early lead and never looked back, defeating its old rival in 25 minutes.
After missing three playoffs in a row, CLG now sits at 7-3 after beating TSM in a three-way tie for 1st place with Team Liquid and Cloud9. The addition of Kim "Ruin" Hyeong-min in place of Darshan "Darshan" Upadhyaya in the Top Lane has completely changed the way CLG plays around the map.
The overall record is a far bigger story than a potential re-igniting of the oldest rivalry in North American League of Legends — AD Carry Trevor "Stixxay" Hayes is the only player on CLG who was a part of that last victory.
PowerOfEvil is no stranger to defeating TSM Mid Laner Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg in pivotal best-of-1 scenarios, but the star Mid Laner was aware of the stakes for his teammate. PowerOfEvil discussed CLG's team dynamic going into the match with Inven Global's Nick Geracie after the win over TSM. "You asked about Stixxay, and I think it was somewhat important to him, so before the game, I said, 'Let's do it for Trevor, guys!"
POE also gave his opinions on the incredible form of Wiggily. CLG's young Jungler has fixed whatever threw him off in the spring, and his Mid Laner thinks the roster change between splits has been integral to him finding his way.
"Ruin doesn't ask for as many resources as Darshan in the Top Lane, so that has given Wiggily a lot more freedom."
Counter Logic Gaming has not qualified for playoffs since the 2017 NA LCS Summer Split, but if the team continue to rally around its dynamic MID/JG duo, the faithful may be rewarded again soon.
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