On the 30th of April, two new weapons have been added to BDO KR; Ultimate Katan awakening weapon and the Sandstorm sub-weapon, and it's only a matter of time before it's added to the global version of BDO. Both weapons have very low sheet AP but they come with a monstrous amount of bonus monster damage, especially on Katan. This guide will exclusively cover the awakening weapon on how to obtain it, and which classes benefit the most from it.
In order to start the questline that rewards you the Ultimate Katan, you must reach a certain point in the Valencia main story questline (Required Level of 55). Beginning with the 'In Search of the Eastern Sand Kingdom' quest, you must complete up to 'Report to Barhan Gateway'.
Once you've completed 'Report to Barhan Gateway', make your way to Sand Grain Bazaar and speak with the Town Node Manager, Amir. He'll give you the questline that you must complete to obtain the Ultimate Katan.

Make sure to bring a 'hoe' as one of the quests from the questline will require some gathering. If you're starting from the 'In Search of the Eastern Kingdom' quest, it'll take about 30-40 minutes to complete the Katan questline to receive the weapon.
The Ultimate Katan Awakening weapon is unique in that it has a very high amount of bonus monster damage and, unlike most of the previous quest-related weapons, it's possible to enhance it. However, it's advised that you don't.

The base weapon comes with a stat of '8~17 AP' and 'bonus monster damage of 60'. Once you start enhancing the weapon to increase its AP, however, the monster damage will drop off. At TRI, Ultimate Katan has an AP of 88~97 and a bonus monster damage of 20.

On the surface, the Ultimate Katan doesn't seem too special when compared to Dandelion - or so people thought at first. With time, players started realizing that unenhanced Ultimate Katan can beat out TET: Dandelion for some classes in certain grind spots.
Like mentioned, base Katan comes with a ludicrous amount of monster damage. Although your Awakening skills will deal pitiful damage as a result of its low sheet Awakening AP, it'll significantly boost your pre-awakening skills against NPC's. Classes that deal a large portion of their overall damage output with absolute skills will highly benefit from this weapon. (Sorry Witch & Wizard mains...)
It's also worth mentioning that Katan is much more accessible when compared to its Dandelion counterpart. Being a quest-related weapon from an early story quest, players can get a hold of it very early on to largely boost their PVE combat effectiveness.
Although any player that enjoys using absolute skills to grind can benefit from this weapon, there are three classes that can grind with Katan and do just as well - or even better - than TET: Dandelion.
The three classes are Maehwa, Berserker, and Tamer.
▲ Korean BDO Youtuber, Leana, demonstrates the difference between unenhanced Ultimate Katan and TET: Dandelion on Tamer at Hystria. (The first half of the video is the Ultimate Katan.)
As you can see from the above video, there's little to no difference in clear time between the two weapons. If you're still new to the game, and you're far off from either purchasing or enhancing your own TET: Dandelion, Ultimate Katan is a strong alternative.
▲ A video from Youtuber 'Erang', demonstrating Ultimate Katan Maehwa.
▲ A video from Youtuber 'Hyeomoong', demonstrating Ultimate Katan Berserker.
Although Katan is a strong PVE alternative to Dandelion for some classes, it's advised that you hold on to your Dandelion. It's because by equipping Katan, you're basically putting yourself at a significant disadvantage in PVP, as your Awakening skills will deal little to no damage. We also don't know what PA has in storage for us in the latter half of 2019.
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Comments :3
level 1 Vanguardy
EU already too ?
level 1 VarunGoku
Hi can u tell about that sandstorm sub weapon?