On the 15th of June (KST), Afreeca Freecs defeated Kingzone DragonX 2:1 in the 2019 LCK Summer Split.
The Afreeca players are indeed performing at their bests compared to the rather disappointing performance they delivered in the Spring split. Now they managed to defeat Kingzone, a team that was recognized as one the highest-tier teams in the current LCK. After the match, we sat with Afreeca's mid laner, Ucal to hear some of his thoughts on the victory.

You've defeated Kingzone, a team that was undefeated. How does it feel?
I'm happy that we've won a team that has a similar playstyle like Kingzone. I'm also satisfied with receiving my first MVP this year.
After your winning your previous series, you said that you want to hunt down an 'Alpaca'. (notes: Deft's nickname) Did you talk with Deft before today's match?
Yeah, I did talk with Deft before the match for a short while. He said that I shouldn't hunt him down... (laughs) It was a tough win for us.
The performance that Afreeca has been displaying this Summer is very interesting. How did you guys improve this much?
Now we have more trust with one another. Also, I think we are lucky. (Q: Do you think the main reason was luck up to now?) Yeah. I think LoL is a game that needs sheer luck. (laughs)
Your plays on Taliyah were very solid today; your KDA was good as well. Are you satisfied with your performance today?
I'm satisfied since everything worked out as we've planned. After game 1, I clearly felt that Kingzone was a team that was far better than my expectations. They never tried to avoid a fight, and they knew how to engage one as well. About Taliyah... I think that she's a viable pick against any kind of opponent. (Q: Is Taliyah a champ that you feel most confident on?) Yes. I feel the most confident on her.
What kind of feedback does head coach, NoFe share with the players usually?
Recently, he's been sharing feedback in a very kind, smooth, and respectful way. However, when a player crosses the line, he does become strict in his words. (Q: You didn't cry today?) Yeah, I didn't cry today. (laughs)
During game 2, Kiin went for a 3 vs 1 in the bottom lane and survived. How did your team react to that?
I'm not really sure about my teammates. I think I said, "Wow, look at Kiin!"
You're known as a fun and talkative guy during the "Off the Record". (notes: a corner where they reveal the players' in-game voice) Are you normally like that?
I think I become the most active during games. I'm not that active when I'm not performing on-stage. I'm having fun playing on-stage these days and that's probably the reason why I become that talkative. We win a lot and although we did lose against Griffin, that match was very fun.
You said after the match, "How did Afreeca become such a strong team!?" (laughs)
Yes. I was just so happy... I think I was happy that we've defeated Kingzone. (Q: Do you personally think that Afreeca is becoming a stronger team?) Yeah, we are on that momentum. I believe we can perform well as long as we don't ruin this atmosphere.
You'll be facing SANDBOX next. Do you have any words?
The matchup against SANDBOX will probably be similar to our Kingzone series. I hope we can prepare well for it. SANDBOX knows how to fight. As long as we're careful in our plays, we can win. Thank you.
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