On the 8th, during PA's Heidel Ball, Black Desert Online's 8th class, Shai, was shown to the crowd for the very first time. Shai is designed around being a support class that wields two types of boomerangs, 'Floran' and 'Bitsari'. Being a member of the Shai race, the new class is completely unique in the BDO universe - she'll stand out amongst the rest.
Shai wields a boomerang that is nearly as large as herself, 'Floran', to either attack or evade conflict. In addition, she is equipped with a simple yet effective mobility skill that allows her to weave in and out of fights. As a support themed class, Shai provides utility to her team with various buffs, healing, and shielding.
Pre-register for Shai began on the 8th (KST), and players in the KR server will be able to pre-create her on the 12th. As for the rest of the world including NA, Europe, Japan, and Russia, she will be available for pre-creation on the 19th of June.
Here is a sneak peek of Shai's skills:
*** Official English translations may be different upon Shai's release in the other regions.
Skill | Effect |
One, Two, Three! | The most basic ability in the boomerang arts. Shai can throw her boomerang a total of three times with this skill, and each throw has its own unique chant... but Shai who doesn't like memorizing things simply say "one, two, three." Those who are hit with this skill are thrown back along with the boomerang. |
Tantrum | In anger, Shai throws her boomerang. This skill has the longest range out of every other throwing skill. |
Found You! | Walking cheerfully, Shai brightens her surrounding area. Those who are affected by this ability will be revealed to Shai, no matter where they hide. Monsters absolutely hate this ability, and they will run towards the light. |
Come Here and Hide! | 'Shai's Domain' will be created upon cast. Those who are inside this ability will be protected from hostile attacks for a few seconds. However, if this ability is cast while there are enemies within its protection range, Shai will have a hard time... |
Play Dead | Shai's favorite game. She will play dead to fool her friends and other adventurers. It will not work against monsters, however. |
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Comments :2
level 6 HardcoreYanna
For me this article was very helpful to fully understand Shai playstyle https://mmoauctions.com/news/bdo-shai-guide-learn-the-ins-and-outs-of-a-charming-support