The 2019 LCK Summer Split Media Day was held on the 3rd (KST). A player and head coach of each team participated, and after they each shared their thoughts and expectations for the season, there was a short Q & A session.

(To all) Most people predicted SK Telecom T1 to win the championship. Is there any team that’s confident to challenge them?
KZ Head Coach Kang Dong-hoon: I think we can win. We just need time. They’re not unbeatable; I think we’ll be able to challenge them towards the end of the summer split.
(To KT head coach Oh Chang-jong) KT acquiring PraY was a hot issue. How did you get to sign him?
Oh: We actually tried to sign him from before the spring season. As it was revealed through several interviews, the player himself had lost confidence in himself. So we took our time in our attempts to sign him. We thought he was well fit for the team synergy, and as we were able to talk with an open mind before starting the summer split, he joined us.
(To SKT head coach kkOma) If you were to reach Worlds, are you confident to have revenge for the MSI?
kkOma: The summer hasn’t even started yet; to speak of going to Worlds would be way too soon. I’ll try not to say anything about that so I don’t jinx it. If we get careless, we could fall to regionals, and if we fall to regionals, we may even get cut off. Anyways, if we were to get to Worlds, we’ll analyze each region well so that we can absorb their strengths and throw the weaknesses. I think that would be the best way to beat them if we meet again. I hope we really do reach Worlds so that we can think more on this subject.
(To GRF head coach cvMax) You were the runner-up in two consecutive finals. Many say that Griffin was getting weaker towards the end of both seasons. Why is that and how are you planning to improve that this season?
cvMax: I don’t think that we were much weaker towards the end. There were situations that we could have lost in Round 1 as well. There wouldn’t be a specific reason that we lost more towards the end of the season.
(To AF coach NoFe) There were many unique picks, player comps during the spring split. Would we see more in the summer?
NoFe: We did utilize unique strategies, and now fans are expecting the uniqueness. If that kind of strategy can raise our possibility to win, we would attempt it anytime. However, we’re mainly working on the teamwork and synergy; I don’t think we’ll be attempting those strategies early in the season.

(To GEN head coach Edgar) Gen.G signed several players during the offseason. Are there players that you have high hopes for or wish would improve more?
Edgar: All the players included in the summer roster are doing their best, and anyone can take the starting spot. Since they’re all working so hard, I think I need to improve more so that I can help them do better.
(To KZ TusiN) PawN isn’t included in the summer season roster, and Naehyun will be playing in his spot. What are the differences between the two?
TusiN: PawN tries to lead the team, take charge, and attempt new things. On the other hand, Naehyun sacrifices for the team and cares more for making team plays. It’s hard to say who’s better.

(To SKT Faker) Many people picked SKT as the favorites. What are your thoughts?
Faker: I’m thankful that many people picked us as favorites, but last season was just last season. It’s up to us to do well in the summer. During the spring, we had some losses during the regular season; I think it would be important to gather more wins from the start.
(To HLE head coach Kang Hyun-jong) Were there any players that were difficult to play against during scrims?
Kang: I think it’s always difficult to play against Faker.
(To SB head coach Sally) You brought up a sandstorm in the spring split. How do you feel preparing for the summer?
Sally: The spring results aren’t that satisfying. We thought that we could do that much before the season started. It was really regretful losing in the wildcard match. That loss was a good source of motivation to prepare for the summer.

(To JAG head coach H-Dragon, KT head coach Oh) You’ve been to relegations/promotions last season. What will you be aiming for in the summer season?
H-Dragon: PraY joined KT. Personally, I think he’s still a great player, but to make it more dramatical, they should start off losing to us first.
Oh: We haven’t won the first match of the season that often. This time, we’ll get that win, and continue on to a streak.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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