On the 29th of May (KST), profile photo shoot for the 2019 LCK Summer Split took place and we met up with KT’s veteran jungler, Score to talk about his upcoming split.
He started off by saying, “We underperformed during the Spring Split. I’ll try my best to jump back in the Summer Split.” Score also seemed happy to have PraY on their roster. “Since he’s a veteran player with a lot of experience, he performed well during practice. We’re shaping up our teamwork with him.”
“We’re trying to recall the ‘Summer KT’. I want to make it to the top of the standings. Since our team's performance wasn’t that good, we had a hard time performing well individually. This time, I want to deliver solid performance.” said Score.
In response to a question asked about motivation, Score stated, "I am more motivated than ever before. I don't have much time before I have to serve my mandatory military service. The current situation that the team is in allows me to focus on myself. I'm planning to practice as much as I can."
He also spoke about the current meta. "With the delay in scuttle crab's spawn, the meta allows more diversity in jungle picks. Back before, junglers were forced to play champions who are strong in level 2 fights. Now, the scuttle crab fight will happen at level 3. Picking the right jungle pathing to take will be important." Score then smiled and added that he is confident in any meta.
Score then concluded the interview with the following statement. "This could be my last split. I want to show the fans one more victory. I want to show a type of performance that the fans have never seen from me before."
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