Every game that TL lost started with DL and CoreJJ getting caught out. I’m hoping that’ll happen again this game.
ㄴI understand that you’re an SKT fan, but shut up.
No matter how bad SKT has been performing, they could still beat TL, right?
ㄴFaker just yawned!
It’s Faker’s LeBlanc!
ㄴAzir? Azir? Azir? Azir again?
ㄴLeBlanc + Yawn = MSI Championship
ㄴI really want to see Faker’s Zed. I mean it’s TL, it’s probably a viable pick against them.
SKT’s composition today is completely different from that of the ones they picked against IG and G2.
ㄴ I mean, against TL, you can pretty much experiment any picks.

SKT is king when there’s no G2 or IG.
ㄴI knew it was over, 3 minutes into the game.
ㄴClid one-man team.
ㄴOne-man team vs. no-man team.
ㄴSKT is a lot more consistent than IG when they’re playing against weaker teams.
ㄴThey’re like Barcelona, lmao.
Meanwhile, Khan is getting his ass beat in the laning phase.
ㄴImpact vs. Khan = An SKT senior teaching his junior a lesson.

If only the last match of today was TL vs. SKT. We could’ve gone to bed in peace.
ㄴI bet Riot put IG vs. SKT as the final match today just to spite us!
ㄴThis is Tencent just treating IG to a little massage before they head off to the knockouts.
Faker is really roaming a lot today.
ㄴI mean, he’s playing LeBlanc, not Azir.
Isn’t SKT already guaranteed a spot in the knockouts? They should hide picks like LeBlanc for later…
When watching games like this, I really get the feeling that there isn’t another LCK team that can beat SKT.
ㄴThat’s the sad truth.
ㄴTell that to NA. See how they feel...
SKT is playing really well today.
ㄴCome, IG! We’re ready for you!
ㄴ[Breaking News] G2, IG, and TL concede from the tournament, making SKT the 2019 MSI Champions!

I now understand why Faker snapped his fingers. Out of the 6 teams, they’re invincible against 3 of them.

The TL vs. SKT was a teaser for the big match today.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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