Some of you reading this may suddenly remember their age upon realizing that Blizzard Entertainment's genre-defining MMORPG is turning 15 years old this year. That's 15 years of killing murlocs, wiping in raids, and getting ganked repeatedly by the same Undead / Nightelf Rogue.
Not many games have the opportunity to celebrate 15 years, so Blizzard is making sure to take full advantage. Set to release on October 8th for $99.99, The World of Warcraft 15th Anniversary Collector's Edition comes with a plethora of collectors merch you won't be able to find anywhere else.
- Ragnaros Statue
- Onyxia Pin
- Map of Azeroth Mouse Pad
- Fine Art prints of various World of Warcraft imagery.

In addition, players will also receive the special ivory mounts sure to bring on some nostalgia. The Horde gets an ivory wyvern while Alliance is treated with a Gryphon -- each respectively receiving their factions most iconic flying beast. The mounts have unique Gryphon / Wyvern animations, so don't think this is just a simple re-skin of existing mounts.
Naturally, the Ragnaros statue will easily become a must-own treat for diehard World of Warcraft fans. The infamous Firelord almost looks regal in shades of gold and ashen black.

It wouldn't be an anniversary celebration without some form of incentive to dust off that old account and once enter Azeroth. When the in-game celebration event launches (date TBD), players who simply log in during this period will receive a Lil' Onyxia pet and a Worldbreaker Mount!

Set to release on October 8th, you this collectors addition will be Available for pre-purchase at gear.blizzard.com.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Comments :2
level 1 Go5lincz
Alabaster mounts are just reskinned Grand Wyvern and Grand Gryphon from 7y old mist of pandaria. ;-)
level 32 Nick
@Go5linczI was told specifically by Blizzard developers that it has unique animations!