At the Hanoi Vietnam National Convention Center, Day 1 of the 2019 MSI took place. Flash Wolves who represents Taiwan-Hongkong-Macao met Team Liquid and SK Telecom T1 and had lost both matches.
The following is an interview with Flash Wolves' mid laner, Rather.

Many fans are interested in who you are, especially since you are a player on loan from Griffin. Please introduce yourself to our readers.
I’m Flash Wolves’ current mid laner, Rather. A lot of you are probably unfamiliar of me, but I’m the player that’s responsible for qualifying Griffin to the LCK. I’ve been with Griffin for 2 years before going to Flash Wolves on loan.
It must’ve been a bit disappointing that you weren’t able to see play while on Griffin after the team qualified for the LCK.
I really did want to play. It was very unfortunate.
The 2019 MSI is your very first international tournament. How is the experience?
I was very nervous during our first match. However, most of that nervousness disappeared during the second match.
Unfortunately, Flash Wolves lost both their games today. Why do you think that was the case?
I felt that all of our players were too nervous. We weren’t able to play on stage like how we played during practice.
Why did you choose to join Flash Wolves? Or rather, why do you think Flash Wolves chose you?
I’m not too sure as to why they chose me. All I know is that during Flash Wolves’ roster rebuilding process, they had a list of mid lane candidates that they wanted for their team. One of those candidates was me, and that’s how Griffin and I got into contact with FW.
Back then, I wasn’t too familiar with leagues outside of Korea. However, Flash Wolves was a name that I heard often throughout my career. Looking at the team, I felt that it had the potential and the competence to compete in international tournaments, as long as I do my best and perform well.
How do you communicate with your Taiwanese teammates? Are there any language issues?
My English and Chinese were both really bad at first… but to my surprise, my teammates were sort of trilingual.
My Taiwanese teammates speak Korean, English, and Chinese during team communication. I also go back and forth between Korean and Chinese during communication… if a random person hears our comm, they’ll probably find it very funny.
Many analysts stated that FW grew weaker after Karsa, SwordArt, and Moojin left the team. As the team’s current mid laner, what’s your opinion on the matter?
Players like Karsa and SwordArt were the main players of FW… I felt a huge amount of pressure when I joined the team after their departure.
To finalize the interview, could you tell us your resolution for the remainder of the tournament?
We finished Day 1 with a disappointing score of 0-2. Starting tomorrow, we’ll better focus and show better performance. Please cheer for us.
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