Everybody knows all esports casters do is just show up and yell about video games, but what do they actually do all day? At the 2019 Inven Global Esports Conference [IGEC 2019], this panel will explore how individual casters prepare themselves for their game, how the same job varies from genre to genre, and what challenges each game might have in common.

Overwatch League play-by-play caster Erik "DOA" Lonnquist will be moderating the panel, and will be joined by OWL co-caster Christopher "MonteCristo" Mykles and OWL host Chris Puckett, who will be speakers on the panel.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive caster and analyst Jason "Moses" O'toole will also be a part of the panel as a speaker. D'Ron "D1" Maingrette, Twitch Partnerships Community Program Manager and NintendoAmerica Brand Ambassador will be bringing a unique prespective to the panel. Before his position at Twitch, D1 was one half of the premiere Super Smash Bros caster duo with Wynton "Progducto" Smith.
Rounding out the panel will be Brian Kibler. The American collectible card game player, game developer, and streamer's experience within the TCG and CCG realm makes his contribution to the panel arguably the most distinct of any single speaker. Kibler's extensive experience in Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering, both as a player and caster, will shed light on the difference in tempo between card game based esports in comparison to other esports.

While esports fans may only hear or see casters during a broadcast of their favorite team or game, an enormous amount of preparation, review, analysis, practice, and maintenance go into a cast. Casters may spend up to four times the amount of time preparing for the broadcast than the actual broadcast.
Taking place at 1:00pm PST in the Crystal Cove Auditorium, this panel is a must attend for aspiring casters, tournament organizers, and broadcast aficionados. Feel free to check out more of the IGEC panels here: https://www.invenglobal.com/igec/panels.
IGEC 2019 will be held at the University of California Irvine Conference Center on Tuesday, June 4, 2019. Get your tickets now! bit.ly/2J4QGce
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