Blizzard Entertainment revealed information on the Overwatch League 2019 All-Star Game via the official Overwatch League website Thursday morning. The primary information announced is the starting lineups for both the Pacific Division and the Atlantic Division.

Three of the Atlantic Division starters will be representing New York Excelsior, who currently sit towards in 2nd place for the season at a record of 12-1. NYXL wunderkind Flex Support Bang "Jjonak" Seong-hyun and Head Coach Yu "Pavane" Hyeon-sang will be joined by DPS Kim "Pine" Do-hyeon. Due to the GOATS meta, Pine has yet to play a game in Season 2 of the Overwatch League, and his fan favorite status made him a near shoe-in for All-Stars.
Philadelphia Fusion star DPS Lee "Carpe" Jae-hyeok and Flex Tank Gael "Poko" Gouzerch will be joining the NYXL trio, and Washington Justice Support Hong "Ark" Yeon-jung will be re-uniting with his former teammates.
Rounding out the roster will be Boston Uprising Tank Cameron "Fusions" Bosworth. Fusions and Poko will be making their respective All-Star debuts, while Carpe, Ark, Jjonak, and Pine will reprise their respective roles from last year's Atlantic Division roster.
The Pacific Division roster stands in stark contrast to the Atlantic Division. Aside from Seoul Dynasty DPS Kim "Fleta" Byung-sun and Flex Support Ryu "Ryujehong" Je-hong, the roster is comprised entirely of Chinese rookies. Hangzhou Spark Tank Quilin "Guxue" Xu will be joined by a triple threat from the Chengdu Hunters. Hu "Jinmu" Yi, Support Xianyao "Yveltal" Li, and Tank Menghan "Ameng" Ding have impressed fans of all bases with their willingness to innovate within the meta.
Guxue has performed admirably for Hangzhou Spark in the OWL 2019 season, not missing a beat from the 2019 Overwatch World Cup when transition to the Overwatch League. Lastly, taking up Head Coach duties for the Pacific Division is Hwang "PaJion" Ji-sub, who has led the Vancouver Titans to a 13-0 1st place atop the Overwatch League. Blizzard also mentioned that the entire rosters, including the reserves, would be released to the public soon.

Custom Gamemodes will take place on Wednesday, May 15, including an adjusted version of last year's Talent Takedown and the ever-popular Widowmaker 1v1. The actual All-Star Game with the rosters listed above will take place on Thursday, May 16. Token drops will also be doubled during the 2019 All-Star event, and Twitch will be offering a free trial of the Overwatch League Command Center, which will allow viewers to pick their favorite point of view for in-game spectating.
Lastly, Atlantic Mercy and Pacific Lucio will be released as Legendary skins commemorating the event. The skins will be available from May 7 - May 22.
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