Ellie’s Mysterious Invitation event has begun.
- From April 24th to May 8th
- Enjoy the festival in Terrmian Beach!
The ecosystem of Valencia Waragon Nest is changing due to the long exposure to the buried Black Stone.
- Recommended AP will be 165.
- Monsters in Waragon Nest have been redistributed.
- The name of the monster <Sturdy> Stone Waragon has changed to <Sturdy> Giant Stone Waragon.
- HP and AP of Stone Waragon, Stone Mutant Waragon, and <Sturdy> Giant Stone Waragon have greatly increased.
- <Sturdy> Stone Waragon will not attack the players first.
- <Sturdy> Giant Stone Waragon will continuously summon Stone Waragon and Stone Mutant Waragon. (Max 100 monsters)
- Summoned Waragons cannot be collected after killing.
- The following items will be obtainable from Stone Waragons and Stone Mutant Waragons: Ancient Spirit Dust, Asula’s Weakened Magic Earring, Asula’s Weakened Magic Ring, Rocaba Helmet, Black Stone (Weapon), Black Stone (Armor), Waragon Hide, Waragon Blood, Waragon Meat, Stone Waragon Hide
- The following items will be obtainable from <Sturdy> Giant Stone Waragon: Serap’s Necklace, Black Magic Crystal - Sturdiness, Waragon Hide, Waragon Blood, Waragon Meat, Yona’s Fragment, Black Stone (Armor), Scroll Written in Ancient Language, Stone Waragon Hide
- The name and price of Stonecreature’s Skin have changed.
- Stonecreature’s Skin (900 silver) > Stone Waragon Hide (1800 silver)
In order to reduce the gap among different life skill levels, the amount of exp that the character gains and the amount of exp required to level up have been adjusted. (EXP from quests will not change.)
- Required EXP reduced: Sailing
- Gained EXP increased: Hunting, Training, Farming, Sailing
- Levels of the above skills will change based on the new exp amount.
You can gain life skill exp from the following activities: collecting Lump of Pure Mana (Gathering and Farming), getting treasure-grade fishes (Fishing)
[All Classes]
Descriptions regarding the number of targets that can be attacked have been added to all skill tooltips.
Descriptions regarding Injury have been added to Black Spirit’s Rage skills.
Fixed the issue where swimming guide disappeared and then appeared again when Stamina goes low while swimming.
Fixed the issue where the graphics of other players’ skills still remained on the screen.
Guild Apprentice promotion system has changed.
- Promotion at the noon after 14 days > Promotion when logging into the game after 14 days
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for certain skills.
The animation of the emote “sad” has changed.
Fixed the graphical glitches on Airblock Boxer Briefs and Python Boxer Briefs.
Fixed the typo in the skill description of Scythe Training.
Night Crow will be activated before other skills when you press Shift + Spacebar while moving.
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for Ultimate: Tearing Arrow.
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for Beast Roar.
Fixed the issue where the extra hit in Headbutt 1 did not recover WP.
Extra hit has been added after Headbutt or powerful Headbutt in Headbutt II to Absolute: Headbutt.
Fixed the issue where Ultimate: Headbutt did not recover WP.
Fixed the issue where the increased AoE of Storming Beast was not applied properly.
Fixed the issue where the counter attack effect in Tackling Rock was not applied when the skill is not on cooldown.
Fixed the issue where only the smash attack in Rock Smash hit the target only once.
Beast Roar will deal bleeding damage in PvE as well.
Fixed the issue where the critical hit rate for the extra hit of Frenzied Destroyer IV was not applied in PvE.
Flow: Split Shot will be activated after Black Spirit: Titan Blow if you hold LMB.
Descriptive sentence regarding Down Attack has been added to Giant Leap.
Fixed the issue where Skil add-on effects were applied to Black Spirit: Giant Leap.
Fixed the issue where the extra hit of Black Spirit: Giant Leap would hit the target one less time in PvE.
Fixed the wrong description regarding cc and stamina in the skill description of Flow: Jump Sequence.
Added a description about cc in the skill description of Titan Step.
Added a description about Down Attack in the skill description of Ground Lifting.
Fixed the issue where WP would be recovered during the cooldown of Ground Lifting in certain situations.
Added a description about Down Attack and reduced damage in PvP to Flow: Split Shot.
Fixed the wrong skill description of Flow: Ancient Wave.
Added a description about Down Attack and WP recovery to Flow: Ancient Power.
Fixed the issue where the extra hit of Black Spirit: Giant Leap II and III did not deal damage properly.
Fixed the issue where skills could be used abnormally quickly using Storming Beast and Headbutt.
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for Stretch Kick II.
The graphics of the buff Heilang: Berserk will not remain on the Heilang’s body when the buff is over.
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for Shield Push.
Fixed the abnormal animation that was displayed when the Valkyrie is using Flying Kick consecutively.
[Musa and Maehwa]
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for certain skills.
Fixed the issue where Stub Arrow was too slow when the skill was used after backward Chase. (Maehwa)
Fixed the issue where the graphics of Blind Thrust I and II were not displayed.
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for certain skills.
[Wizard and Witch]
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for certain skills.
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for certain skills.
Fixed the issue where the sound effect of Dragon’s Eye was not hearable to other players.
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for certain skills.
Fixed the typo in the skill description of Heavy Fist.
Fixed the issue where the number of targets written in the skill description was different from the actual skill for certain skills.
Fixed the issue where Black Spirit: Ultimate: Zephyr Leap was activated when the skill is on cooldown in main weapon stance.
Fixed the issue where Black Spirit: Ultimate: Zephyr Leap was activated in main weapon stance when the skill is locked.
Galley, Epheria Sailboat, Epheria Frigate, and Old Bartali Sailboat can be repaired consecutively.
- Consecutive Repair button will be displayed if you have Ship Repair Materials.
- Consecutive Repair will end when you don’t have any materials left of the durability reaches 100%. (Will be interrupted if the ship is attacked during the repairing process.)
Graphical effects of PEN Black Star weapons are improved.
Items you can exchange with Shattered Star Fragment will be displayed on the item tooltip.
The sentence “item can be registered after extracting Reform Stone” will be displayed when trying to register Ultimate Akum Armor to the Central Market.
Eye of Darkness and Weakened Eye of Darkness will be family-bound items.
Waragon Nest has been added to the item drop location for Asula’s Weakened Magic Ring/Earring.
Golden Pig’s Blessing will be a family-bound item.
Vell will spawn in all servers.
- Vell’s overall HP has been reduced.
- Vell will spawn in Patrigio (PC Cafe exclusive server) server as well.
- Fixed the issue where players could not board on the ship when Vell dies while casting tsunami attack.
Mischievous Raccoons have disappeared from the Black Desert World.
[Quest and Knowledge]
Amity with Datu Varudatu will decrease by 1 each time you purchase the following quest scrolls from his ship.
- [Scroll] Graveyard Dominator
- [Scroll] Dominator of Ancient Weapon
- [Scroll] Dwarf Dominator
- [Scroll] Elite Hunter
- [Scroll] Cute Little Things
- [Scroll] Fist to Fist II
- [Scroll] Robbing the Rogues
- [Scroll] Food Chain II
- [Scroll] Breaking the Spell II
- [Scroll] Crushing the Steel II
Auto-pathing and navigation in Mansha Forest and Treant Forest have been improved.
<Sturdy> Giant Stone Waragon Knowledge has been added.
The prerequisite quest to accept the quest “Exchange Magical Dagger I” has changed to [Boss] Witch Hunting to “Looking for Adventurers.”
[Miniature Elephant] Permit from the Merchant League, a repeatable quest to obtain Miniature Elephant, will not require Calpheon Trade Seals and Mediah Trade Seals anymore.
- If you are on the quest, the quest will be reset.
- The items you already turned in for the quest will be returned to you later.
The text about the condition to complete Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log Volume 2 has been edited to describe the condition better.
Texts regarding the quest objective have been added to the quest summary of the quest [Return] Crio’s Welcome.
The reward of the quest “Cutting the Abandoned Iron Mine Barbarian’s Chains”
Quest objective for the quest [Fishing] Tasting John Dory has changed to fishing 3 Bigeyes.
During the quest “Valuable Information” and “Inverting the Energy”, the materials will be turned in to Hughol only once.
Fixed the issue where pet talent were not saved.
When you complete all quest in a territory, a message saying that you have completed all quests in the territory will be displayed.
Fishes that can be caught in the lake next to Marni Cave will be displayed on the world map.
A text that saying the item is guild-bound has been added to guild items.
Fixed the issue where the location of HP bar and resource bar was not correct.
The color of the guild skill icon Complete Perfection will be brighter.
Fixed the issue where the scroll bar in the 1:1 chat window would go outside the chat box.
Descriptive text saying that items that have expiration date cannot be restored once they are deleted has been added.
Added titles to the descriptions that are displayed when you hover over to the text “Breath”, “Strength”, and “Health” text on my profile menu.
Added colors to the purchase and sell records tooltip on the Central Market so the tooltip would be visually more distinct.
More UIs have been improved to not take any memory.
Added sound effects when extracting crystals from gear.
Secondary password authentication has been added to Web Central Market.
When there are no items queued for sale, you cannot choose the enhancement level.
Item purchase window will not close after purchasing an item in the Central Market.
“Better Item Obtained” notification will not be displayed when you are wearing life skill gear.
A message and graphical effect will be displayed when you successfully enhance an item.
Fixed the issue where you could not choose to use the money in your storage to purify an item when you have more than 20 billion silver in your storage.
When you enhance an item to PEN using Cron Stones, the checkbox to use Cron Stones will be unselected.
New screen transition animations have been added when opening/closing Beauty Window, Dye Window, Pearl Shop window, Knowledge Window, and World Map.
Pop-up UI will not be displayed while entering fishing commands.
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
The dialogue between the player and Tachros in Velia will change if the character met Tachros in Olvia before.
Calpheon guards have been sent to Terrmian Beach for the security of the area.
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Comments :11
level 1 ChaosKnight
no kr patch for april 30th?
level 3 Anita
no kr patch for april 30th?
level 2 Iroll_MadeBy
no kr patch for april 30th?
level 1 Reddagh
Does anyone have any tutorial on account transfer in KR? do I really need to check for a KR phone in the creation of the new account? even having the one I use to log in to the BDO?
level 1 IKrum
@ReddaghIf you don't have a way to verify the account,you will lose your account on 29/05,sadly a lot of people will lose there's account,because you need to verify,since a lot of people buy it,you will lose your account for ever.
level 1 Frey
balancing ?
level 1 IKrum
@Freywhen you go to transfer your account,they will ask you to verify,you need the phone.If you have it you safe,if not, sorry but you will lose your account on that day (29/05)
level 1 ScyTeC
Well lets keep going.. no kr patch for may 8th?
level 5 That_Guy
Did they stop patching the game in KR? What's up?
level 2 Venoxium
@That_Guy No, they didn't lol. It's just InvenGlobal hasnt been translating anything.
level 2 Adam_Jensen
They will have updates after 30th May