On the 5th (KST), Kingzone DragonX faced DAMWON Gaming in a Bo5 in the 2019 LCK Spring Split Playoffs Round 1. DAMWON had good momentum coming up to the playoffs, but it wasn’t strong enough to roll over Kingzone. Kingzone defeated DAMWON 3-0 and proceeded to the next round to face SKT. After the match, all the players of Kingzone were interviewed.

Did you predict that you would sweep DAMWON Gaming?
Rascal: No. (Laughs) I can’t speak for my teammates, but it was the first Bo5 for me so I was a bit nervous. I really didn’t expect us to win 3-0.
You survived a whole season as a starting top laner without a sub. How was the season?
Rascal: It’s the first time I did so. It was harder than I thought; I felt the vacancy of Khan.
Today’s matchup was against Nuguri who had been performing really well recently. How was playing against Nuguri?
Rascal: Nuguri evades and hits skill really well. I also did well, but his performance was really good.
You’ll be playing against Khan now. Any comments on that?
Rascal: I had spent two years with Khan, and now I’m alone, so it feels a bit lonely and I had difficult times, but since I’ve grown a lot by spending a whole season as a starter, I’m confident that I can beat Khan and I think we’ll be able to take SK Telecom T1 down.
(To Cuzz) You carried a major role in Kingzone’s upper half.
Cuzz: I think I’ve become better, but our mid and top laners also improved so I feel good.
You had two big wins in bot lane in Game 1.
Cuzz: Jayce was the most important role in the opponent team, so we thought that we should cut him off, and it went well.
How were the calls?
Cuzz: I called my ult was coming soon and my teammates’ calls were also positive. I think that’s why it went well.
PawN has such a wide champion pool. Do you have more to show in the match against SKT?
PawN: There are many champions, but I will be picking a champion that goes best in the situation.
Among those many champions, what’s your favorite?
PawN: I like LeBlanc the most and she’s the champion I’m the most confident in, but she’s not a champion that can be picked in any situation.
You had said that to be called a superstar rookie, they have to step over you. Do you think you proved your point well up to now?
PawN: There are many rookies coming up and veterans leaving. There are Faker and I left; since we’re the two that won Worlds, I think they need to step over us.
As you mentioned Faker, your next match is against him. Are you confident?
PawN: My career is a bit weird because I played a year, took a 1-year break, played again… The matchup results since I won in MSI 2015 aren’t very good for me but playoffs are what matters so I’m very determined to win this time.
(To Deft) Are you satisfied with your performance and laning today?
Deft: We were quite ahead in Game 1, but I was solo killed once. Except for that, I’m satisfied.
Fans say that you’re the ideal ADC. Do you agree?
Deft: (Laughs) Recently, everybody’s so good. I guess it seems that I look like I’m doing better when the teammates protect me well.
What do you focus on the most when you play?
Deft: I focus on laning the most.
Looking back at the season, how was it?
Deft: I got 1,000 kills, so it was good, but more than that, I’m very happy that our team performance came up despite the fact that we had very low expectations. Now everybody’s saying that we’re good.
You’re now waiting to lane against Mata in the bot lane. A comment regarding that?
Deft: Last time, I have a bad memory. I’ll do my best so that I can give a bad memory to him this time.
TusiN and Deft’s synergy today was amazing. Are you satisfied with today’s performance?
TusiN: For me, it was a fun day because I played three different champions.
Your Pyke was praised highly by Madlife. How did you come to pick Pyke?
TusiN: Deft was looking for more champions to play and we were able to find Pyke through that process. There are more, but this was just one of them. It was also prepared to counter Ashe - Tahm Kench.
Your teammates’ performances were really good today, but to pick one player whose performance was the sexiest, who would you pick?
TusiN: For today, Cuzz was the best, and I think Deft was a bit less sexy. (Laughs)
TusiN picked you, Cuzz. Are you satisfied?
Cuzz: I’m very thankful… I also always think that TusiN is sexy as well.
As the sexiest player today, how will you prepare to play against SKT?
Cuzz: We have a day to practice tomorrow and will be playing against them the day after. We’ll prepare well with our best efforts and maintain our conditions well to play as well as we did today.
How about the less sexy player, Deft?
Deft: I’ll do my best so that I can become the sexiest player next time. (Laughs)
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