Rise of Shadows, Hearthstone's next expansion, is looming over the game. Just a few more weeks until it is released, and the Year of the Dragon kicks off. Old sets Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and Kobalds & Catacombs wave goodbye with their hands, but a couple of their characters linger. King Togwaggle, for example is part of the League of E.V.I.L., and will stick around for at least another two years, albeit in a different shape.
However cool Rise of Shadow's theme may be -- which is preeetty cool - we all are waiting for one thing: new cards. Which cool new effects will be introduced? Which card is 'totally overpowered' and which card is 'just a filler' (until the meta settles, and the power levels are exactly the opposite)? Hold your breaths a little longer: reveal season kicks off starting today, and accellerates next Monday.
On the 25th, the reveal season kicks off with a special stream, as has become custom. This time, caster Cora "Songbird" Georgiou has been invited as guest, joining Game Designer Peter Whalen and Community Manager Chris Attalus on stream to reveal a couple of Rise of Shadows cards. The stream can be followed live on Hearthstone's Twitch channel, starting at 10 am PDT / 18 CET.
We've also been given a large list of card teasers, with a time and date on which the full card will be revealed by community figures and websites. All times are in CET.

Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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