On the 10th of March(CST), RNG defeated SS 2:0 in the 2019 LPL Spring Week 7 Day 6.
As the score shows, it was pretty much a one-sided match. RNG mostly dominated the game starting from the laning phase. Especially with their mid laner, Xiaohu performing exceptionally on Zoe, rest of their teammates also played their role well. With RNG securing another win for this split, they are now only 1 series score down than the current 1st place team, TOP.
The following is the post-match interview with the RNG crew.

Q: (to Xiaohu) You performed really well with Zoe for both games today. What do you think of your performance?
Xiaohu: I performance wasn't that different than usual. I don't really have any specific thoughts at the moment.
Q: (to Ming) Do you think 9.4’s changes had any effect on the support champions?
Ming: Changes were not made that much [on supports] so they’re pretty much the same.
Q: (to Uzi) Why did you pick Vayne twice in today’s game?
Uzi: I wanted to play a more difficult champion in order to bring back my mechanics.
Q: (to Uzi) Apart from competitive ADC champions such as Lucian, Kalista, and Ezreal, are there any other interesting champions that we might be able to see on stage?
Uzi: Tristana. I feel that Tristana will start to appear more often in the upcoming games. She is a really nice champion.
Q: (to Coach) RNG went with the exact same draft in both games 1 and 2. Also, Snake went with almost the same draft as well. What were your thoughts after seeing such a similar draft used by both teams? Did you expect another win in game 2?
Coach: Originally, we had thought that they would change their draft in game 2 and we had also worked out the solution to cope with that. However, they chose a similar draft, so we used our draft in game 1 which helped us won the first game without revealing too many of our tactics.
Q: (to Coach) Were you expecting another smooth win in game 2?
Coach: Yes. Personally, the draft we did for game 1 and 2 were good.
Q: (to Xiaohu) Your Zoe is exceptional this Spring. Today, you again secured 2 more wins on her. So, what makes Zoe such a perfect pick for you?
Xiaohu: By using this champion, I am able to do many things by myself in the game. As you see, I solo killed Lee Sin in the jungle in game 1. If I had picked another champion, I wouldn’t have had such an advantage. That’s one of the reasons I like Zoe.
Q: (to Xiaohu) How much confidence do you have when it comes to playing Zoe?
Xiaohu: I am sure to win if I don't get too greedy.
Q: (to Xiaohu) Had you ever thought you would be able to play Zoe in game 2 again?
Xiaohu: We knew that they would use Irelia to play against Zoe, so we let our opponent pick Irelia.
Q: (to Ming) You’re very well known for your Alistar plays. You are very decisive every time you initiate a teamfight. Were those decisions made by yourself or made by the team?
Ming: We make decisions together and then we initiate the teamfights once we get the chance.
Q: (to AmazingJ) Was it all calculated when you got one kill as you used 'Flash - Q'on Kennen near mid during game 2?
AmazingJ: Xiaohu was screaming “FLASH Q!” multiple times, so I did what I was told but I never thought that the kill would be stolen by someone else.
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