On the 9th of March, Kingzone DragonX (KZ) managed to defeat DAMWON Gaming (DWG) 2:0 and secured 4th place in the 2019 LCK Spring Split.
Using Yasuo and Vel'Koz, KZ's mid laner, PawN displayed outstanding performance throughout the series. Cuzz and PawN were a constant threat to the opponent. With KZ's mid-jungle on a clear advantage, they managed to snowball early and defeated DAMWON Gaming.
After the series, we met up with PawN for a 1 on 1 post-match interview.

What are your thoughts on today's victory?
We are currently competing for a spot in the playoffs with DAMWON and Hanwha. Now that we've defeated both teams, we do have a good possibility of making it to the postseason. Well, of course, we'll have to win as many games as possible on our future fixtures.
Although it was a 2:0 victory, DAMWON was actually performing very well lately. Did you expect to win this easily?
I always have a mindset of winning 2:0 going into a match. I'm now a veteran player and I don't really feel nervous on stage, so I'm willing to think more positively. Well, I underperformed in our recent match against SKT. Although I prepared a lot, I failed to display it on stage. So next time, I'll prepare support mid champions more and try my best to help Deft.
When I'm on more aggressive champions, Deft and I have to step up for the team. We've been performing together since our EDG days, and we think, 'as long as we can survive, deal damage, we can win even if our team is on a disadvantage'. We both are confident on winning if we can successfully scale up to the late game.
Kingzone is known for its strengths in the bottom lane. However, some worried that Kingzone is rather too dependent on their bottom lane performance.
Yeah, people do think that we're a bottom lane focused team. Still, you have to know that the mid lane performance has high relevance to the bottom lane performance. It's the same with top lane too. If mid lane loses, top and bottom lose as well. Although we do focus on our bottom lane, it wouldn't have been possible if our other lanes underperformed.
If the mid-jungle has the advantage, we can choose either bottom or top to focus our resources. The bottom lane has 2 players so it's the best to focus on them. It's better to successfully support 2 players than only 1. (laughs) That's why I think we tend to play around bottom. Of course, we are capable of focusing on top lane, but as I've said, we're simply choosing the better option.
The team picked Yasuo and Gragas quite early in the draft during game 1. As a matter of fact, Cuzz said, "Since we have Yasuo-Gragas-Rakan, I thought we had a better chance of winning." Were you confident about winning using this composition in game 1?
First off, Gragas can also be used as support so he's a good flex pick these days. If our comp has a good amount of knockup skills, I'm always ready to use Yasuo. Although it is tough to lane against a pick like Le Blanc, I told my teammates, "We can make a lot of surprise situations using our current comp. I'll do what I can do during lane phase so let's do this!"
During game 2 picks/bans, KZ showed a glimpse of Zed before picking Vel'Koz. Besides Yasuo, personally, would you pick AD champs such as Zed, Talon in the mid lane?
Although I prefer performing on both AD and AP champs, to be honest, AD champions are more fun to play. Still, winning the game is my top priority. In the case of our second game, I did actually think of picking Zed. However, if I did, our comp would have been highly focused on AD. That's why I didn't pick him. If there were an AP champ in our comp, I could have used Zed. So... Azir was banned, and I simply went with Vel'Koz.
Do you have any words for your global fans?
Thank you for your support on the LCK. I'm not too sure, but I do believe that Faker is the most popular LCK player among foreign fans. As he did, I'll try my best to perform better and make my reputation higher among the NA, EU, and Asian fans.
I'm going to do my best to make my ID famous across the globe. Well, like you guys already know, besides Faker, there are good players in the LCK; I'll try my best to be on that list. Thank you so much!
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