Today, the massive Twitch streamer Chance "Sodapoppin" Morris went online to play World of Warcraft. The internet celebrity first grew his online audience playing WoW and, now with 3 million Twitch followers and a YouTube channel with over 1,000,000 subscribers, he decided to create a new way to enjoy his signature MMORPG title.
Like a host of other WoW veterans, Sodapoppin can't help but lament on the obvious flaws and disappointing gameplay the current World of Warcraft experience has to offer.
According to Sodapoppin, who created a new level 1 character with the intent on
As Sodapoppin describes it, "the only way to have fun is to make your own fun". He continued by explaining that "everything" the game wants players to do "isn't that enjoyable."
So the streamer decided to ignore what the game wants him to do in favor of something more rewarding. In his quest to clear low-level dungeons solo, Sodapoppin eventually decided he didn't want to use bind on account equipment (powerful items meant to make it easier during low levels) because he "wants the satisfaction of getting new gear".
One of the most popular criticisms of new WoW is how the traditionally long, challenging, and memorable leveling experienced has been reduced to a mostly queue defined grind through dungeons. Instead of exploring the world, learning their class and valuing each new piece of gear collected, players tear through the modern leveling experience: an impersonal rush to max level.
Sodapoppin's self-imposed rules with his new character aim to recapture some of the magic of early game content.
Frequently answering his streams questions, Sodapoppin made it clear how he looks forward to the release of Classic WoW and how, in its current state, the game is not an enjoyable experience.
Sodapoppin isn't the only popular WoW player to feel this way. Popular World of Warcraft critic and streamer Asmongold has grown increasingly popular among disillusioned WoW players who empathize with his contrasting passion and open disgust regarding WoW and the current state of the game.
Like Sodapoppin, Asmongold seems to enjoy the game most when creating his own games and obstacles, including rare mount contests, judging his fans
Is Blizzard's massive MMORPG on the decline? A host of online content creators and veteran players seem to think so and eagerly await Classic WoW's release sometime during the Summer of 2019. Despite some peoples concerns that the original game lacks the polish and flair to compete as a modern PC game, those most dissatisfied with WoW share no such concern.
To them, quite literally any version of WoW is better than the one that exists today.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Comments :16
level 1 ItsJambalieya
level 1 peter_gozenya
@ItsJambalieyaThe whole alpha male thing is bunk science disproved by the guy who introduced the theory in the first place.
You just sound like a dbag.
level 1 Captain_Obvious
@peter_gozenyaYou're an idiot if actually believe there is no such thing as an alpha/beta male. You sound like a beta, careful your insecurity is showing.
level 1 Slevin_Kelevra
@Captain_ObviousThe greek alphabetical ranking of males is a hierarchial system coined exclusively for subpopulations of the genus Canis. Now if you want to compare yourself to an animal with intelligence corresponding to a 4 year old human child, and also if youre a massive furry, please continue trying to rank your social status according to previously mentioned system. If you have an ounce of self respect, please stop
level 1 peter_gozenya
Someone should start a website that rates how much fun you are having.
level 1 Astro_Anima
Oh yeah because picking on people on the internet takes a secure, masculine alpha like you, Captain. You are the dbag. Thumbs-up, you're a troll on the internet!
Go read something informative.
level 1 Thomas_Cornett
Both of these guys are obnoxious trolls. BFA is a great expansion that isn't as good as legion, so people hate it. However, there is a ton of stuff to do. Have you gotten AoTC, pushed high keys, achieved a 2k rating in pvp, or just experienced the myriad of questlines each zone has? WoW is an MMORPG, which are grindy by nature. Don't like it, that's fine but don't slam the game because you don't find the million of things to do enjoyable.
Also, there is not a game that can be played for 40+ hours a week every week for years and stay fresh. Not sure what these idiots expect, but complaining that BFA isn't fun after racking up up thousands of hours streaming it is insane. Of course you will run out of content and stuff to do, what do you expect?
level 1 Ziggez
@Thomas_CornettIts not only them, literally 80% of wow players not only dislike bfa, but HATE it (including me) if you truly enjoy doing island expeditions and grinding mythic plus which achieves nothing, then good for you because the majority does not. Theres a reason as to why you didnt eun out of content in past expansions, and that they can go back to playing vanilla private servers and still have fun. Bfa is objectively just bad.
level 1 Thomas_Cornett
@Ziggez That's simply not true. Millions of people log in and play every week, hundreds of thousands of people streamed the mythic race. Blizzard just published their earnings and WoW is literally their most profitable game. That's not opinion, it's a fact. If the majority of players hate the game, then how could that be?every wow expansion ran out of content towards the end of a patch. Do you remember WoD, there was a patch where the only major update was a selfie cam. Ultimately, BFA has more content than most expansions but it just might not be for you. If you don't like grinding - whether it be m+, raids, pvp, or farming items then mmorpgs aren't for you and That's okay. That's the whole point of the genre.Personally, I love challenging myself week over week to down a new mythic boss or complete a high key in time.
level 1 mdg1019
Ok so this genius thinks WoW is on the decline. Got news for him, it's been on the decline since Cataclysm.
level 1 Ziggez
@mdg1019Thats your opinion:) cata may not have been as good as tbc for example, but the game was gaining players at that time. Where things started going down was 1 month in on wod, that is when they started implementing really bad stuff and bad content, and made the game worse ( which is also when the game lost the most subs) and imo i think mop was actually pretty good from a pvp perspective
level 1 Rj_Corallo
@ZiggezMop was one of the best pvp expansions, the game has severely lacked pvp content since then. Participation trophies for everyone.
level 1 Larson_Dillon
It's Dead and rotting. Pull the Plug. Turn off Life support and bury it. Cause of death: fatal BfA.
level 1 smrt_smith
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level 1 wowclassicfans
WOW Classic Version will coming in August 27. We will relive the unforgettable game years. If you need to buy wow classic gold go https://u4n.com/wow-classic-gold please