Riot Games will be allowing League of Legends players to cast their votes for the next Tristana skin to hit the rift.

This community initiative comes slightly over a year after the League of Legends playerbase was called upon to choose the newest skin for Illaoi. This time around, Bandle City's spunkiest gunner will be adding a new look to her repertoire with the help of the community. Riot Games released some information in regards to the choices of skins for Tristana:
We explored a wide range of possibilities for Trist’s next skin, and we’re down to the three concepts we’re most excited about. Now, the decision is in your hands. Vote on which skin you’d like to see us create. If the results are super close, we’ll look at the preference of Tristana mains to help us make the final call, so make sure your voice is heard.
The concepts, while not final, have been given working titles until voting concludes March 6th on 11:59 PT:
“Sugar Rush Tristana”
Armed to the sweet teeth with a mighty gumball gun, Sugar Rush Tristana protects the Candy Kingdom from unsavory forces.
“Galactic Gunner Tristana”
Two extremely dangerous Exosuits have gone missing, and the bounty on them is only getting higher. Galactic Gunner Tristana has a solution for that: shoot first, ask questions never, and cash in.
“Little Demon Tristana”
Sometimes being mighty requires a little bite. Little Demon Tristana is a master of mischief, ready to jump into any heated situation… or cause one of her own.
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