On Tuesday this week, Professional Overwatch player and content creator for the Houston Outlaws, Lucas "Mendokusaii" Håkansson, achieved 36 kills and 5460 damage in a "solo" round of Apex Legends.
While the massively popular Battle Royale gives you teammates regardless of whether you want them or not, Mendokusaii stream was themed around playing "aggro 1v3 plays all night". The goal was to win the game without any assistance.
Mendokusaii primarily used the Wingman pistol and the R99 sub machine gun during the run. He would ruthlessly search the map for players, taking on full squads 1 vs. 3 effortlessly.
It is hard for most players to fathom this being possible considering most of us can hardly survive a round of Apex Legends with a coordinated team, let alone dominate the arena by themselves dealing so much damage and getting so many kills.
The previous solo world record was reportedly held by a player named MrSimple who achieved 34 kills. While one of MrSimple's teammates seemed to die early, it appears that he had a teammate with him that survived to the end of the match. Reportedly, MrSimple also had help from his allies that would occasionally not finish off targets to allow MrSimple to do so.
In comparison, the stricter solo kill world record by Mendokusaii is an especially impressive feat and speaks to Mendokusaii's FPS skill. However, the low skill of his opponents was a definite factor in getting so many kills.
Mendokusaii, while excited about holding the world record, was quick to explain the luck factor in getting so many kills, as well as the vast skill difference between him and his opponents:
"Getting world record is F***ing luck, if you are a decent player, it's just luck. Every single fight I fought was against bots. I just happened to get kills and they didn't just all die randomly, you know? No one fought each other. They were just so bad that they couldn't hit each other. I'm pretty sure I was the only player on the server that could hit a shot."
You can watch the run at Mendukusaii's stream below. The run starts at the 02:34:17 mark.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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