It has been about three weeks since Sylas, the 143rd champion and the first new champion of 2019 hit the live server.
At first, Sylas drew attention with the concept of stealing the opponents’ ultimate skill but because of the champion’s high level of difficulty and lack of knowledge in its item tree, Sylas’ win rate was very low.
However, after Sylas’ basic stats were buffed and as the players started to understand the champion more, Sylas became a lot more reliable. Sylas started appearing the most often in top lane using a tank build, utilizing its passive (Petricite Burst) to exchange damage, Chain Lash (Q) to respond to ganks, and Kingslayer (W) for lane maintenance.
Especially, his ultimate’s cooldown is 85 seconds at Lv.1, 50 seconds at Lv.2, and 15 seconds at Lv.3. In long teamfights, Sylas’ ultimate can cause severe damage. If Sylas can hit all his ultimates, it would be a huge advantage since he can use several different champions’ ultimate skills often. How to utilize Sylas is also a hot issue in the pro scene because of this.
So we would like to ask you. Do you think Sylas is OP?
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