The 2019 League Of Legends LCK Spring Split is just around the corner. With the start of the LCK scheduled to be on the 16th, it is less than a week away. The question comes to mind: who is currently the best performing player? Although solo q performance and stage performance cannot be directly compared, solo q still determines to some degree how skilled/mechanically gifted a certain player is. Out of curiosity, we checked which players were at the top of the leaderboards (based on January 10th).
Ranking 1st was Mata. Being one of the league’s most veteran players, Mata has taken his claim to the throne by placing #1. He has scored 260 wins 151 losses with a 63% win rate. While Mata’s statistics are not too far away from other players in his league, it is, regardless, a very impressive feat.
Looking at the ladder overall, Damwon’s presence was prevalent. In the top 10 rankings, there were 4 members from Damwon Gaming. Nuguri as 4th, ShowMaker as 5th, Canyon as 6th, and Hoit as 9th. In addition, Canyon had another account which he was able to bring up to 11th.
Same could be said for SKT T1. Alongside Mata, Effort has made it to the top 10 Challenger rankings as 10th. Clid is not too far behind from Effort as he is ranked 13th.
Also, one surprising aspect was SANDBOX Gaming’s jungler, OnFleek. Right behind Mata, OnFleek was ranked 2nd. Displaying his incredible potential in the qualifiers, OnFleek is ready to show what he can really do on the 2019 LCK stage.
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