DAMWON Gaming defeated SKT T1 2:1 in the 2018 KeSPA Cup Quarterfinals. After losing game 1, they fixed their draft and managed to defeat SKT. DAMWON's key player, Nuguri led the team to victory. The following is the interview with Nuguri.

You've defeated SKT. How does it feel?
I can't believe it. I'm not even sure how I won. I think we had champions that we like to play on. We gained confidence that 'if we use a composition that works well for us, we can even defeat SKT'.
You were on a carry champion for every game. Was this planned?
I used them because of the circumstance. If the opponent didn't take Urgot first, I might have picked him first and played more passive.
You had quite a tough time in game 1.
I did think that I will be ganked a lot even before I arrived at the stadium. I just was too vulnerable to open ganks. SKT seemed to know exactly what I'm weak on. I'd like to say sorry to my teammates.
What kind of mindset did you have on game 2 and 3?
Our composition was so good. That's why I thought, 'let's just not die'.
The opponent's focus was picking Urgot. What are your thoughts on this?
I think SKT picked Urgot because they wanted to give gank pressure. In game 1, since Viktor is so vulnerable to ganks, it couldn't help but get ganked. That's why I tried to pick champions that are better avoiding ganks starting from game 2.
How was your matchup against Khan?
I almost suffocated in game 1. He is a player that knows how to snowball once he gets the advantage. He didn't let me even breathe. I was suffered so bad when I was on Viktor.
Who's the MVP for the team?
I think our coach Kim who made a solid draft for us. Each and every one of our team did what they had to do as well.
How is coach Kim's draft different to others?
It's really professional since he makes data on picks & bans. He also knows how to observe which champion and composition works well with us.
Your next matchup is Griffin which must be tough...
They are a really good team. I'm already nervous. Like Griffin displayed today, they are a team that is exceptional in teamfights; we'll have to be careful. Also, Sword plays around the team very well. I feel it when I watch him play.
Any last words?
Now that we've won SKT, I do want to aim for the trophy. I'm quite thirsty for more. (laughs) I'll try my best for the title.
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