SANDBOX Gaming defeats Winners to advance to the 'Round 1 Ro8'.
On the 19th of December, the 2nd day of the 2018 KeSPA Cup took place. On the 1st series of the day, SANDBOX Gaming went up against Winners and came out on top with a score of 2-0. After qualifying for the LCK, this match was SBG's very first win on an official tournament setting. During the game, as team captain, joker helped his rookie teammates remain calm and led them to victory. The following is a KeSPA interview with SBG's support player, joker.

It's your first win on an official stage! You were also able to secure your revenge against Winners. It must feel surreal.
We have a deep relationship with Winners... Our team approached today's match with the mindset to absolutely win.
You have the most amount of experience as a player on your team. There must've been a lot of weighton your shoulders. As team captain, how do you rate the rookie member in your team, Wizer's performance today?
I believed that Wizer wasn't nervous [on our 1st game], so I didn't worry about him. But in game 2, he was pushed back hard. There were mistakes that happened during game that shook the entire team.
In game 2, Winners ended their laning phase really quickly and gathered for teamfights. As team captain, did that throw you back?
Our laning phase went really well, so I expected the enemy team to shake and falter. However, they remained calm and lane swapped. They secured vision and fought really well around the dragon as well. Our shotcalls were really poor this game. We avoided fights as much as possible and tried poking them out of their turrets but that failed.
SBG played both a traditional ADC composition, and a non-traditional ADC composition today. What do you guys prefer?
Picks doesn't matter to our team; we prefer aggressive picks that are good in fights. We prefer picking champions that are good in teamfights, whether that'd be early, mid, or late game.
Your next opponent in the tournament will be Gen.G.
I'm always confident. I will use this confidence to prepare well for the next match. Thank you.
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