Ongoing Event: Celebrating 10 million registered users (3rd week)
- From Nov 5th to Nov 28th
- Play BDO for 100 minutes everyday to receive special scrolls. Also, complete achievements and receive a chance to win RTX 2080 Ti graphic card.
New Event: 7 days buff with 1 Loyalty Point
- From Nov 16th to Nov 18th
- Value Package (7 days), Blessings of Kamasylve (7 days), and Sealed Book of Combat (7 days) will be available for 1 Loyalty Point!
New Event: Black Friday Sales (1st week)
- From Nov 14th to Dec 5th
- Meet the latest outfits and special discounts.
New Event: Happy Thanksgiving
- From Nov 14th to Nov 28th
- Enjoy the turkey dinner together!
Pre-purchase for the Black Desert FESTA will open soon.
5x more Guild Mission rewards event will begin after the maintenance.
From Nov 14th to Dec 12th
Fixed the issue where the line that divides each skill in the Skill window looked awkward. (Warrior, Maehwa, Tamer, Witch, Ranger, Valkyrie, Dark Knight, Mystic, Lahn)
When the character gets off the horse and moves forward, the character will be in combat stance.
The characters will not be attacked during the special social action while on the following mounts: Sailboat, Galley, Frigate, Hwacha, Flame Tower
Fixed the awkward facial expression during the social action “surrender”.
Fixed the issue where the character’s stance (combat/non-combat) changed after the “cheering” animation.
Combat stance will be maintained after jumping off a wall or a cliff immediately after climbing.
Fixed the awkward display of Terrmian Harpoon.
Harpoon will be visible after moving to land from underwater while using a Harpoon.
Fixed the issue where the blue graphical effect on the chest part of the Pavila outfit was not visible for female characters.
Fixed the awkward display of main weapons after getting off a horse in combat stance.
Fixed the issue where Heavy Strike was not used during mounted combat when the Warrior has Absolute: Piercing Spear.
Fixed the issue where the graphics of Blasting Gust did not disappear after canceling the skill.
Fixed the graphical glitch on Karlstein outfit.
Fixed the issue where the Sorceress switched to non-combat stance after using Mark of the Shadow during mounted combat.
You can not hide the cape for Treant Camouflage.
Fixed the issue where the Tamer was still holding a sword after switching to non-combat stance while sprinting.
Fixed the typo in the skill description of Leaf Slash.
The Tamer can now ride on the Heilang anytime after using Wait.
Fixed the graphical glitch on Thick Harpoon.
Fixed the issue where Jousting Helmet was still visible after taking the costume off.
Fixed the graphical glitch that occurred when the Musa is lying face down.
Fixed the issue where Divider did not work during mounted combat.
Fixed the issue where Divider did not work during mounted combat.
Fixed the graphical glitch on Cavaro Helmet.
Fixed the issue where there were no graphical effects on the cube and the book that are on the Pavila outfit.
Fixed the issue where only the first hit of Sah Chakram of Sonan was used even when the Kunoichi has enough Stamina.
[Dark Knight]
Fixed the graphical glitch on Thick Harpoon.
Fixed the issue where the camera did not follow the part that you have selected when dying outfits.
Fixed the issue where the Striker did not show combat stance after getting off the horse and moving forward.
Fixed the issue where Ferocious Assault did not work when you lock Black Spirit’s Rage.
Fixed the issue where the camera did not follow the part that you have selected when dying outfits.
Fixed the graphical glitch on Zebra Underwear that occurred when you increase the breast size.
Fixed the issue where the camera did not follow the part that you have selected when dying outfits.
Fixed the graphical glitch on the Awakening Weapon in combat stance when the Lahn is wearing Anemos outfit.
Fixed the item description of Manos Fisher’s Clothes to match the actual item effect.
Small Atanis Firefly has been added.
- Small Atanis Firefly will light up the surrounding area for 30 minutes.
- Small Atanis Firefly is available from general goods vendors.
The cooldown of Atanis Firefly has changed to 5 minutes.
Prices of the following items have increased by 20%: Master’s Elixir of Perforation Alchemy Box, Master’s Elixir of Assassin Alchemy Box
Honey Silk Supplement and Brady’s Powder Supplement are added to Crafting Notes.
Fixed the issue where Manos Processing Stones could not be manufactured.
Mysterious Map Piece can now be used.
A Mysterious Fish that only existed in ancient writings has appeared in the ocean.
- You will need an extreme level of fishing skill and experience to catch the Mysterious Fish.
- Mysterious Fishes do not hang out in groups, but when they do, a huge change will occur in the world. Legends say that a kingdom had collapsed because of the Mysterious Fishes, but nothing has been proven to be true.
- If you combine multiple Mysterious Fishes together, you can bring a huge change to the world of Black Desert.
- You can catch Mysterious Fishes if you are Guru or higher in Fishing.
New Guild Skills have been added.
- You can check the new Guild Skills in the Skill tab in the Guild window.
- In order to acquire the new guild skills, you must have certain guild skills as prerequisites.
The new skills will consume [Guild] Blood Oath and will give different buffs for one hour.

You can now accept Arena of Arsha invitation when you have negative Karma.
Fixed the issue where different type of food came out as a result of large quantity cooking.
Disconnection issues during large scale pvp, node war, and conquest war have been improved.
Ocean monsters will not get hit when they are going back to their original spots.
The chance that Gaktum Chief Guard will appear in Red Wolf Village has increased by 20%.
- Gaktum Chief Guard has higher chance of dropping valuable items.
- Gaktum Chief Guard spawns by random chance when you free enough Gaktum Prisoners.
Degraded Wood Fragment has changed to Offin’s Root Fragment. The price will be the same.
Manos Crafting Clothes will drop in Abandoned Iron Mine, Polly’s Forest, Roud Sulfur Works, and Red Wolf Village.
Wasteland Iguanas in the western entrance of Altinova have been relocated.
[Quest and Knowledge]
2 new quests for those who have not gathered Thracia (Drieghan herbs obtainable via gathering mini games) before. You can accept the quests from the material vendor in Grana.
Fishes that are not available in nearby waters have been removed from the quest objective of [Fishing] A Challenge! The Master Fisher of Splashing Point.
Typos in NPC lines, knowledge descriptions, and quest summaries have been fixed.
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
Name of the NPC near Glish has changed from Villager to Soldier.
Fixed the graphical glitch of the trees in Long Leaf Forest.
Fixed the issue where excessive amount of blood was shattered on leaves during combat in the Remastered or Ultra mode.
Fixed the issue where blood effects on grass were not visible in the Remastered or Ultra mode.
The gap between team names and team points in Arena of Arsha status window has been modified.
If you have a ship that is taken out, the information of the ship will be displayed on the right side of the wharf menu.
Fixed the issue where Enhancement window appeared and the enhancement proceeded again when the Black Spirit menu was closed during enhancement due to getting hit or by clicking on “End” button.
Fixed the issue where the mount information would not close after hovering over on the item descriptions.
Typos in the ship information window have been fixed.
Farming guide and Crop information window have been redesigned.
Letter of Reward and Node Tax Information windows have been remastered.
Fixed the awkward outlinings of sticker UIs.
Fixed the issue where the text at the bottom of the guild alliance window went outside the box when the font size increases.
The text that was displayed when the cooldown of each skill is over has been removed.
Fixed the issue where guild member’s activity, energy, and contribution points overlapped when changing the font size.
Fixed the issue where the icon for temperature appeared as humidity icon in the world map.
The empty area in the “End Game” window has been modified.
Fixed the issue where the ships that are in the wharf were listed above the ships that are taken out from the wharf.
The gradation of color at the top and at the bottom of the item list in the Pearl Shop has been removed.
The following text has been added to the UI for character name change/creation: Character names that violate the Terms of Use will be forced to change.
You can now see the transport information by clicking on the ship/wagon icon on the world map.
A system message will appear when pet exchange fails.
The text alignment in the max durability repair window has been fixed.
Fixed the issue where a “?” button appeared on the “Give gifts to NPC” window.
Fixed the issue where the amount of silver was not displayed when you are receiving more than 0.5 billion silver from mailbox.
The text that appears when canceling worker job (crafting) has changed.
- Would you like to cancel production? Everything that has been done so far will be gone and the materials used for production will not be restored.
Worker promotion button will not be displayed for Artisan workers.
Fixed the issue where Dye Mix window would not close.
Fixed the issue where the campsite UI appeared when you are trying to repair gear after using the campsite storage.
Fixed the issue where the arrow was reversed when you click on the filter for houses at the top right corner of the world map.
Fixed the issue where you could not go backward by pressing the Backspace button in the Marketplace (ESC menu).
Fixed the issue where the texts for item information and price overlapped in the Trade Item Price window.
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