LW faced off against Lunatic-hai in Xenics Overwatch Power League Preseason grand finals, which took place in Gangnam Inven Studio on September 11th. Both teams played admirably, taking two wins each, but LW gained enough momentum on the fourth control map and ended up winning the series 4-2.
Game 1 - Hanamura
The heat was on from the very first game—overtime triggered several times. It was any team’s game thanks to phenomenal Winston play from both sides, but Lunatic-hai’s Miro miraculously stalled enough time by himself for his entire team to respawn and turn the tables. Lunatic capped the point in overtime to take the first game.
Game 2 - Numbani
Lunatic’s Esca showcased his amazing aim on McCree in Game 2. Using the Winston and Genji combination, LW almost successfully fended off the attacks, but Esca was there to save the day by sniping down enemies in both attack and defense. Even with Tae Jun Lee’s Genji caught out of position, Esca was a one-man army able to bring down multiple enemies. In the end, Lunatic lead the series 2-0.
Game 3 - Dorado
LW adjusted their play in game 3 to specifically deny Esca. Returning the favor, Starky’s Zenyatta pressured Esca’s McCree early in the game along with Awesomeguy’s Winston. The enemy’s main offense Hero was negated, and LW rapidly took a point over Lunatic.

Game 4 - Lijiang Tower
A strategic switch to Reaper allowed LW to even the score 2-2. Compared with LW who consistently utilized Reaper in order to target Miro’s Winston, Lunatic decided to stay with Genji. Both teams relied heavily on their Winstons, and that made all the difference. Nanohana’s Reaper completely shut down Lunatic’s Winston, and LW took the game.
Game 5 - Nepal
LW overwhelmed Lunatic on Nepal in terms of score and performance. Though Lunatic capped the point first, LW always came back and won the round. Pine outplayed Esca in offense roles while Awesomeguy also showed some stellar engagements. The final straw was the perfectly timed ultimates from Beom’s Zarya and Nanohana’s Tracer which scored a decisive victory over Lunatic.
Game 6 - Eichenwalde
LW knew exactly what to do on the new map Eichenwalde and brought an appropriate composition. Using Pharah and Symmetra to hold the enemy team at a choke point, LW successfully wiped the Lunatic members as they cornered in a small room. On attack, Pine’s Reaper quickly ended the game with a flawless Death Blossom that resulted in a team kill that won the series.
Xenics Overwatch Power League Preseason Finals Result
Final Score: Lunatic-hai 2 vs. 4 LW Red
1st game: Lunatic-hai W vs. L LW Red Hanamura
2nd game: Lunatic-hai W vs. L LW Red Numbani
3rd game: Lunatic-hai L vs. W LW Red Dorado
4th game: Lunatic-hai L vs. W LW Red Lijiang Tower
5th game: Lunatic-hai L vs. W LW Red Nepal
6th game: Lunatic-hai L vs. W LW Red Eichenwalde
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