The 10th expansion of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft was officially revealed at the annual BlizzCon event, held in the Anaheim Convention Center in California. "Rastakhan's Rumble," the name of the set, focuses on a couple of classic tribes that have existed in the World of Warcraft universe but have lacked a presence in the digital card version of the franchise, trolls.
December 4th was announced as the release date for the 135 card set and pre-orders can begin right away if players want to receive added goodies, such as a new Shaman hero.

In addition to a showcase of new cards, the new keyword: Overkill, was revealed to an eager audience. Overkill allows a card or player to receive a certain bonus if they deal more damage to a minion than it requires to kill them.

According to Blizzard, there will be a single-player mode called Rumble Run.
"In the single-player mode for Rastakhan’s Rumble, Rumble Run, compete for glory before cheering crowds in a no-holds-barred smackdown in the Gurubashi Arena! Players will choose a troll champion and climb the ranks in this gladiatorial contest to be crowned champion. Rumble Run is free for all players; no pre-built decks are required for entry."
Over the course of the BlizzCon weekend, more information and cards will be revealed, starting with a panel taking place later on in the day.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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