[KR Reactions] Cloud9 vs. Fnatic: "Caps used to be called 'Baby Faker' and Rookie an 'Entry level Faker'... It's funny as hell now that I think about it."

Fnatic vs. Cloud9


The World Championship featuring no home teams will soon begin!

Who do you think will make Finals?
The root of this tournament, Fnatic of course. 
C9 lost to IG before. Better possibility for Fnatic to win in the Finals.
I'm still rooting for C9 though.
I don't care who wins... as long as they can beat the LPL.

Cloud9, Fnatic, and IG were all in one group before. 
ahq was actually in a group of death.

[Breaking] Fnatic prepares to rip the heart out of IG.
Insane King-roxah.
Look at that physicality. Caps must've wanted to die when he picked mid lane Vayne.
There was a clear reason why Caps didn't spam Vayne. Broxah would've ripped his head off. 

Sneaky is so popular.
Someone in the audience screamed, "Sister Sneaky!"

[Game 1]

Wow, look at those amazing picks. Picks that we would've never seen in our challenger LCK league. 
Look how aggressive they're playing... The team composition is so interesting to watch.
Are you watching LCK?

Stop showing Zeyzal's beard so often during picks & bans. I already know it's cool.
ㄴIt's Halloween soon. Must be cosplaying Gragas!

This top-level performance from Fnatic... The Season 1 Hokage has been brought back to life...
ㄴThis puts Afreeca in an awkward spot. Just how badly did they play?

[Game 2]

Reapered is so insane with drafting.
ㄴI agree. I'm always looking forward to their picks and bans.
ㄴThey have counters to everything.
ㄴBut when will he cut his hair?

Game 2 is a bit boring to watch...
ㄴThen I guess Gen.G will win.
ㄴLooking at how boring this game is, the LCK will probably win.

"What are you doing C9? Play with the same skill that you beat us with!

Fnatic is once again in the lead.
ㄴLooking at how both teams struggled this game, I worry they won't be able to beat IG in the Finals. 

Caps is baby Faker? Don't joke with me.

???: "Caps is pretty good, but he's not as threatening as Easyhoon's Azir... make sure to put a smiley face at the end there."

[Game 3]

Caps is freaking insane... Every game, I'm excited to find out what he'll pick.
ㄴDo you remember the times where Caps used to be called Baby Faker and Rookie an 'entry-level' Faker? It's funny as hell now that I think about it.

I made this pic. How is it?
ㄴYou ***tard. How dare you compare an official league with the challenger league, LCK?

Wow... When's the last time that we saw a Rek'Sai?
ㄴI'm touched by their picks... I can probably watch their picks & bans for an hour and not be bored.

The game is getting out of control again... It hurts me to watch C9 lose like this.
ㄴThe west must've looked really forward to today's match... but it ended so quickly.
ㄴAfreeca will forever be tormented by this.
ㄴBut then again, Cloud9 didn't play badly. Fnatic just played super well.

Look at that Rek'Sai muscles... she looks stronger than both the top and mid.
"Date me Rek'Sai!"


Group D needs a quick re-evaluation. 100T was actually in a group of death.

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Comments :2

  • 0

    level 5 Genryou


    I didn't even watch that match, because, EU Vs NA, but, I watched the stream 3 times for a couple of seconds to see who was winning and in 2 out of those 3 opportunities, they were dying to the turrets and 1 of them was a horrible dive, that's what I mean with being an EU Vs NA match, the 3rd time I watched it was just the Cooldown show from Riot at the end, then I figured out it was a 3-0.

    • 0

      level 1 Bloppr


      Iv never seen a more classic example of a reddit analyst than this. Lmfao, please keep your half-assed analytical comments that are deeply uniformed to yourself my friend. It only makes you look unintelligent..

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