KR reactions on Gen.G being eliminated

I miss the Griffin players so much… At least they knew how to fight.
ㄴWhy the hell do you miss KZ and Griffin? They both lost against Gen.G.
ㄴThey even lost against the “Crown Gen.G”...
ㄴ It’ll be literally impossible to find a team worse than them.
ㄴ Please don’t miss them… They just got destroyed today. It wasn’t even a close game. It’s not they went against M5 and CLG EU… I really didn’t expect them to lose against EU and NA.
ㄴ Them winning Griffin and KZ was the gauntlets which might be different to their actual performance. In the World Cup, do people say that Italy and Netherlands suck because they didn’t make it?
ㄴ Netherlands suck.
It kinda reminds me of Germany in this World Cup.
ㄴWell, in the case of Germany, they were the best team for years… Compared to that, Gen.G was just good for last year.
I think the gauntlets aren’t that important. Let’s vote and send players to Worlds.
ㄴLast year’s All-Stars right?

Wasn’t Crown the best mid laner for 2017?
ㄴ No.
They should have somehow brought Fly to Worlds. They could have just brought Haru, not Ambition and went with Fly and Crown in mid.
ㄴIt’s a relief that they don’t need to swim back home.
Come on… That music video was so cool… But the main character fails to go to the quarters.
ㄴAmbition should have played for mid.
Crown was always known for his hard work. However, it seems like he didn’t work on practicing new champions.

ㄴ Yo, stop the ‘hard work’ thing… This game is all about pure talent.
ㄴ Didn’t you watch Naruto? When Rock Lee works hard, Neji and Sasuke worked hard as well. Hard work has its limits.
LCK has to snap out. Every other region is signing new players; the overall performance of the players increased. However, LCK still seems the same.
ㄴ I think Korean esports fans are just too cocky. The ‘esports = Korea’ equation isn’t always right.
??? : Gen.G is a slow starter.
ㄴThey didn't even get a chance to start.

Why did they use Crown instead of Fly? Fly has been better throughout the split. He performs better and can play more champions. Fly is on top.
ㄴAlthough I know it’s all about the results… If it was SKT, they’d probably bring Faker instead Pirean. Experience is important in international tournaments.
ㄴJust blame the head coach guys… Is it right to flame a player that’s giving his best shot? The coach shouldn’t have brought him; it’s Edgar’s fault. He wasn’t out of options. He could have brought Fly who has been performing better throughout the split.
I want to say ‘sorry’ to Vitality. I predicted that RNG would be in 1st place. Then Gen.G. Then NA’s hope, C9. I thought they’d be in the last place.
ㄴ Me too. I’ve never heard of them so I thought they were a wildcard team.
This is my revenge Crown!

ㄴ For Malzahar!!!!
The only way Gen.G wouldn’t be flamed: contribute to RNG’s disqualification.
RNG, GEN.G means...RNG - Royal Never Gaming, Gen.G - Generation Giveup

A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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Comments :2
level 1 LuckyGnom
I don't understand why people flame players when all games were lost in a pick-ban. Why would you ever draft Crown on something that is not Lissandra/Malzahar/Zoe and maybe Galio/Karma/Lulu? He was good only on those champions, then why you pick Syndra, especially against Noc+LB?
Also why Haru in literally every game, when Amibition is better in passive play? Only game where Ambition played he was in the right place defending his lanes all the time.
level 1 TheGaMERCaT
Can someone tell me where I find Fly's KakaoTV stream?