While there are an immense amount of cosplayers around the globe, there is a cosplay team in Korea that maintains their reputation as a living legend even amongst the pro cosplay scene.
Spiral Cats has been operating for 10 years around the world to supply the highest quality cosplays at events. Most of us were able to see their works displayed on video by big game companies such as Riot Games and Blizzard Entertainment.
It was safe to say that Spiral Cats will be here, at the biggest League Of Legends event of the year. The World Championships. Displaying Arcade Riven and Ahri at the 2016 World Championships in Broadway New York, Spiral Cats instantly got recognition. This year, they showed Taliyah, Yasuo, and Gen.G logo themed cosplays.

Spiral Cats told us that they have prepared something extra special for the quarterfinals and all the way to the finals itself. As a reporter and a fan, I couldn’t help myself but to be trapped in wonder.
Able to meet with Spiral Cats on the 2018 World Championship Group Stage, I had the opportunity to hear their thoughts and impressions on the 2018 cosplays and Sneaky’s cosplays.
¤ It is a pleasure to meet you guys! Although you guys are famous internationally, could you guys briefly introduce yourselves?
TASHA: Hi, I am TASHA from Spiral Cats. I have been apart of Spiral Cats for about 10 years.
Doremi: Hello! I am Doremi. Forever the youngest member on the greatest cosplay team in the world. It has only been 6 years for me.

¤ Spiral Cats has done several amazing cosplays every year for Worlds. For this year, what have you guys prepared?
TASHA: For the quarterfinals, I am preparing a cosplay for a character with full overall tights.
Doremi: For me, I am preparing a cosplay for a character who is holding a gun!
¤ For today’s cosplay, I heard you guys are doing a Gen.G themed cosplay. What inspired you guys to cosplay for the Gen.G logo?
TASHA: First of, I did it because I love Gen.G. The reason why I picked Syndra is because I think she fits me the best. Also, Gen.G’s colors match well with me. These are the reasons why I chose to do the Gen.G themed cosplay.
Doremi: In the early stages of League, Katarina appeared almost everywhere. She kind of gave the feeling of being the main female character. This is why I attempted and followed through doing a Gen.G themed Katarina cosplay.

¤ How were the reactions from the Gen.G fans?
TASHA: At first, they were like ‘Oh, that’s not Syndra’s color...’ then they said ‘OH, that’s Gen.G’s colors!’ The fans seemed to like it a lot.
Doremi: From the back, a lot of people thought ‘Is that Kindred?’
¤ The Gen.G colors look good on you guys. If you guys could pick another team as a theme color, which team would it be?
TASHA: In the past, I remember I really wanted to try the TSM colors. I think it was back in 2016. The process and conditions for us to be able to cosplay a specific team is actually very difficult. However, this time, we got several help from Gen.G’s organization. Also, TSM seemed to have a lot of team cosplays already. There was already a TSM Syndra cosplay. Personally, I wanted and still want to do a TSM Syndra cosplay.
Other than that, I think Cloud9 has really beautiful team colors. The uniform with blue and white combination is truly amazing. Since I am personally friends with Hai, I already talked with him about the possibility of a team cosplay. Despite all this, Hai is no longer apart of C9 so... it is a bit unfortunate.
¤ Cosplaying up to now for Worlds, were there any memorable moments or experiences?
TASHA: I met Sneaky in the Play-In Stage. At that time, I was cosplaying as Pizza Delivery Sivir. I felt kind of shy that the ‘Original(?)’ was right in front of me (laughs). With my Pizza Sivir cosplay going up on the internet, all the fans started saying ‘Sneaky is better’!
Doremi: Everyone is saying Sneaky’s is better... :((
TASHA: Honestly, I really want C9 to make it to quarterfinals. Since I am close with Sneaky’s girlfriend, we talked about trying to set up a Sneaky cosplay + Sneaky gf cosplay + Spiral Cats cosplay after his game.

¤ While on the topic, what were thoughts on the Sneaky cosplays?
TASHA: I was truly surprised. The reason why I was surprised when seeing the Pizza and Lux cosplays was that Shedding was added to the breast area. Turns out it was his gf’s product.
Doremi: It really felt like Sneaky could pull it off as his second/part-time job.
¤ TASHA has a long career in the Spiral Cats compared to Doremi. However, Doremi went with Yasuo and TASHA went with Taliyah. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? (laughs)
TASHA: First of all, I’m a bit smaller in height. Also, I thought that Doremi would be better looking in Yasuo.
Doremi: TASHA revealed her Taliyah cosplay on the internet first. After that, we thought that it’d be nice to make a Taliyah-Yasuo theme cosplay. Still, I did think that, “Would it be okay? Yasuo is a male character…” TASHA just told me to try it on and it did look good on me. I think TASHA has some good insights.
¤ Why does Sinme always do cosplays of champions such as Mundo and Tahm Kench?
TASHA: I think he thinks of himself as a support that supports the Spiral Cats. Since he loves cosplay, he always tries on those huge masks for the Worlds. He chose to do this Tahm Kench cosplay and as a matter of fact, in this Worlds, a lot of the players are using this skin.

¤ Since there is some time left for the Finals, are you preparing something more for the fans?
TASHA: Well, it’s difficult to say at the moment… But, we’re preparing a very special event for the finals!
Doremi: You guys will be so surprised; just wait for it!
¤ What are your expectations for the 2018 Worlds?
Sineme(The Owner of Spiral Cats): If we’re talking about Gen.G… Although they’re going through some tough times, I think they can survive in Groups and again, I believe that they’ll withstand all the pressure and get to the highest stage… I think that’s what kind of team Gen.G is.
¤ What are the Spiral Cats planning to do for the rest of the year?
TASHA: We’re usually the busiest near October-December. After the Worlds, we’ll have to prepare for G-Star. Also, we’ll have to participate in other gaming festivals/events. We’ll get some rest in late December and on January, we’re heading to New York for the new OWL season. I hope we’ll meet a lot of our global fans in New York soon!
¤ Any last words for the global fans?
TASHA: Although we’re mostly working in Korea, a lot of the foreign fans recognizes us. I guess it’s because of the huge popularity of LoL. You guys stay tuned since we are preparing a new cosplay.
Doremi: Quite a lot of the foreign fans ‘Likes’ our cosplay posts. As a matter of fact, most of our ‘Likes’ are from foreign fans. I really want to thank them and stay tuned for our new cosplay.

A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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Comments :1
level 1 nomad
good spiralcats!!!