On October 10, CSL released its guide for the newly-launched season of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, League of Legends, Fortnite, and StarCraft 2. The guide includes general information regarding player eligibility and specific details for each event. All relevant questions about the respective games that players are participating can be sent to admin@cstarleague.com.
Below is the full text of CSL's press release.

A coordinator email blast was already sent out to all coordinators for the 2018-2019 season for CS: GO, Dota, LoL, Fornite, and SC2, but below is a brief overview for everyone; speak to your coordinator if you want more specifics!
1. Read and know the rules for your game (available using the LEAGUE drop down)
2. All coordinators need to internally verify that their team and each individual player is eligible under the CSL eligibility rules (see sections "TEAM ELIGIBILITY" and "PLAYER ELIGIBILITY" on the rules page for your game); this internal verification must be done for every phase of the season - if a player becomes ineligible, they need to be removed, otherwise your team will be penalized accordingly upon CSL verification
3. Update your CSL profiles if the in-game information is out of date; make sure you are also inputting the correct information. If you are caught falsifying, you will be punished according to the rules
4. Know that your coordinator is the point of contact with CSL so be sure to always get information from them and have them speak to us for any tournament issues
5. Contact your tournament admins at their respective gamename@cstarleague.com email address (listed on respective rules pages). Tournament-related issues sent to admin@cstarleague.com will possibly be ignored; this address is only for website/profile issues and business-related inquiries
▶Check out the following news post for basic information on How to Play and Report CSL Matches
▶Tournament admins are available through email or live at the default match times on DISCORD
▶There are weekly help desk "office hours" on Mondays from 8 pm to 9 pm PST for live assistance in each game's respective Discord channels starting 10/15, and continuing every Monday before a match
Hopefully, this will alleviate most of the simpler issues, but if you still have questions, be sure to contact your tournament admins directly! Below are general notes for each game (and map orders if applicable):
▶CEVO is currently duplicating matches, sit tight for now until it is live in your clients; if you need to reschedule, you can always contact your opponents through their steamIDs listed on their team page
▶Make sure all your teams and players are set up properly under our CEVO event or else you risk being forfeited
▶All teams/players must pass the verification checklist items listed HERE
▶Matches will be autoreported if they played out normally; all forfeits need to be submitted (take a screenshot of the CEVO match page and submit it on the FORFEIT request button on the match page). Double check the following day that your match was autoreported properly; if there's any issues that need to be fixed or manually reported, email csgo@cstarleague.com with the appropriate information
▶All teams are HIGHLY encouraged to keep first person demos in case of disputes; see the RULES PAGE for details
▶Map order is listed below:
Week 1 - 10/13 - Inferno
Week 2 - 10/20 - Train
Week 3 - 10/27 - Mirage
Week 4 - 11/3 - Nuke
Week 5 - 11/10 - Overpass
Week 6 - 11/17 - Cache
Week 7 - 11/24 - Dust 2
▶You may use any eligible 5 players from your roster each week, however subbing out a player inbetween sets of a match has specific rules, so double check the RULES PAGE
▶Side/pick order/server choices are determined by coin tosses using the in-game /flip command; see the RULES PAGE (CTRL + F, COIN TOSS)
▶Match reports are submitted by the winning coordinator on the match page by reporting each set in sequence; forfeit requests have a separate button on the match page
▶JV2 has a SoloQ rank limit of Gold or below (if ranked in both Solo/Flex, both must be gold or below); all JV2 teams will be emailed after the announcement of the new preseason or season with placement deadlines and any rule changes due to the introduction of new ranks
▶All matches utilize TOURNAMENT CODES; each code will parse your game data when one of the coordinators hits the button on the match page which will then also generate the next code. If any issues are encountered, the match may need to be played out in a custom and screenshots sent to lol@cstarleague.com for review and manual reporting
▶Tournament codes and the button are viewable only by the coordinator. It may be necessary to designate someone who is available as coordinator if your current one cannot be around at match time
▶You may use any eligible 5 players from your roster each week, however subbing out a player inbetween sets of a match has specific rules, so double check the RULES PAGE
▶Each team must consist of only EXACTLY (2) people and one will act as coordinator; anyone else on the roster must be removed; contact fortnite@cstarleague.com if coordinator changes/removals are needed. If you face a team with an extra player, you are entitled to a match forfeit after the normal 15-minute forfeit deadline passes and their team is still not compliant with the rules
▶Teams may be dual enrolled in both the year-long season and the one-day qualifier tournaments, however, they are responsible for managing their time schedule as match times will conflict
▶All matches are Best of 3, with the duos queueing as a combined squad, using kills for score reporting. Each set within a match is scored independently and the team that wins 2 sets wins the match; for specific information, see the RULES PAGE
▶Match reports are submitted by the winning coordinator on the match page by reporting each set in sequence; forfeit requests have a separate button on the match page
▶Lineups are due every Thursday; late lineups should be emailed to starcraft@cstarleague.com with the relevant information listed clearly
▶Make sure to understand how lineups and reusing players work, as listed on the RULES PAGE
▶Match reports are submitted by the winning coordinator on the match page by reporting each set in sequence; forfeit requests have a separate button on the match page
▶Map order is listed below:

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