In case you missed it last year because you didn't purchase a virtual ticket, Blizzard has uploaded the full "The making of Overwatch panel" from BlizzCon 2017.
Led by Jeff Kaplan and Arnold Tsang from the Overwatch team, the panel goes over the history of Project Titan, its cancellation and the eventual creation of Overwatch. Fans can enjoy loads of unique trivia, images, and insight from the earliest days of Titan, including how it was inspired by both Starcraft, Warcraft 3, and even World of Warcraft.
"The only for Overwatch design was Winston, I think everything else sort of came from Titan"

"3,600,000 lines of code were deleted from project Titan -- only 760,000 lines of code kept"
In the below clip, you can see the very first footage of Overwatch being tested and the subsequent progress and improvements over time.

One developer had the idea for a free-flying character with a flamethrower. This idea lead to many different character concepts and eventually ended in Jump-pack cat -- a beloved character infamous for its non-inclusion that taught the team many lessons, including the limit of absurdity they should push for. Jeff Kaplan also recalls an idea for a hockey hero inspired by his love of hockey.

The panel ends with a photo taken directly after Overwatch was announced at BlizzCon with the original development team. If you haven't seen it already or just want something to play in the background for an hour, check out the video your self.

You can purchase your BlizzCon virtual ticket for 2018 at the battle.net
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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