Hello, this is Inven Global.
In order to provide Summoners with the best of information regarding champions, Inven Global has been providing a 'Champion Guide Tool' for a while now. However, we realized that not many of our readers are aware of that fact.
Using the Inven Global Champion Guide Tool, please write a guide for champions that you truly love. Every week, 5 lucky writers will be randomly selected and be gifted 1,350RP. At the end of the event, we'll read through all the guides and choose 5 of which we find are the most informative ones and give them 10,700RP each.
Go to Inven Global Champion Guide Tool
Here are the details:
Event 1: Write a guide and win a skin!
Schedule: Sep 20th, 2018 ~ Oct 17th, 2018
1st ( Sep 20th, 2018 ~ Sep 26th, 2018)
2nd ( Sep 27th, 2018 ~ Oct 3rd, 2018)
3rd ( Oct 4th, 2018 ~ Oct 10th, 2018)
4th ( Oct 11th, 2018 ~ Oct 17th, 2018)
How to apply: Write a detailed guide on the Inven Global Champion Guide Tool.
Prizes: Every week, 5 lucky writers will receive 1,350RP each.
Winner Announcement:
1st - Sep 27th / 2nd - Oct 4th / 3rd - Oct 11th / 4th - Oct 18th
Event 2: Best Guide, Best Prize!
Schedule: Sep 20th, 2018 ~ Oct 17th, 2018
How to apply: Among the users who've participated in Event 1, we'll choose a total of 5 "Best Guides".
Prizes: To those who are chosen as a "Best Guide", we will give 10,700RP each.
Winner Announcement: October 25th
Additional Information:
1. The RP winners will receive their RP code via the email that they signed up with on Inven Global.
2. Winners will be selected every week, and it'll reset right after -- this means that you can win again, again, and again.
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