Leading up to the 2018 League of Legends World Championships, there are many eyes that are set on both China and Korea. In particular, the Chinese team, RNG.
Although the throne for competitive League of Legends was held firmly in the hands of the Korean teams, there has been a recent debate on China’s possibility to be able to take the throne in 2018. With recent upsets in the LCK and China’s overall rise in dominance when it comes to international competitions, Worlds this year might host the most quintessential face-off against China and Korea yet.
Esports Focus interviewed the 1st place seed from China, RNG. Let’s see what RNG has to say about their recent finals win and the World Championship.

¤ (To Kezman) In the finals, the Urgot pick did not seem that effective. What was the reason for picking Urgot?
Kezman: First, Urgot is an incredibly good pick in the current meta. However, due to the lack of time, our coaching staff was unable to teach the players how to play Urgot well. Despite this, the fact that the players still performed well on Urgot gave some pride to the coaching staff. The opposing team also views the Urgot pick highly. It may be because he is frequently picked in the LCK or the fear of the opposing team using him better.
¤ (To Uzi) How is your condition when it comes to the 2:2? Did your teammates say anything to encourage each other?
Uzi: To be honest, during the 5th game, our condition and mental were completely fine. Everyone would have been upset and the mood terrible if we had lost. I am glad that we won.
¤ (To Mlxg) How did you feel when you were subbed in at game 5? Was there a lot of pressure?
Mlxg: Since it was the match point and all, I was a bit nervous.
¤ (To Uzi) How did game 5 feel? How did you guys avoid the win-win-loss-loss-loss?
Uzi: During the last game, we were running a very familiar team comp. In addition, we knew exactly what time frames we could win the game. We played with relative ease.
¤ (To Xiaohu) Last year Spring finals, you lost the series at Nanjing. This time around, you won in Nanjing. What are your thoughts on this interesting series of fate?
Xiaohu: Although I cannot remember much, I think this exemplifies the difference between 2017 and 2018. Because my luck is fairly good this year and my teammates are all playing well in 2018, we were able to win the finals.
¤ (To Uzi) Because Worlds is approaching and RNG is undefeated, you are getting close to winning all of the tournaments this year. Do you think you can pull it off?
Uzi: I never thought it could come true. But, for certain, I do have a good feeling. For every tournament that I have been a part of, I have gone to the very end and even won a few. I will try my best to implement this momentum in my next endeavor.
¤ (To Xiaohu) A lot of fans came to support you today. Is there anything you want to say to your fans?
Xiaohu: I am thankful that you guys came all the way to Nanjing to support us. I will try my utmost to win even more titles in the future.
¤ (To Kezman) Any precautions going into Worlds?
Kezman: Since our team is a very talented team, as long as we prepare well, I believe we can show good results. I hope the players will continue to challenge themselves.
¤ (To Mlxg) What is the reason for picking Nocturne in game 5?
Mlxg: Because I have seen Nocturne picked and display incredible results in other tournaments, I decided it was fit to pick him in game 5.
¤ (To Mlxg) How did you feel when it went to game 5? And how does it feel after you have won?
Mlxg: I was constantly monitoring the game beforehand. My coach asked if I was confident to go out and play. I said I was, and I went.
¤ (To Xiaohu) In LPL history, you are the first mid laner to have won 3 finals. How do you feel?
Xiaohu: I didn’t even know I was. I just played with the mindset of wanting to go all the way till the end and win.
¤ (To Uzi) How does it feel to have won 5 final wins in one year?
Uzi: I am very happy. Winning definitely has a different feeling. It gives me more strength and anticipation for the next game.
¤ (To Kezman) What is Mlxg’s concept?
Kezman: To be a secret weapon.
¤ (To Letme) You have an interesting relationship with The Shy. How do you rate his plays in today’s game?
Letme: He played well. We were toe to toe with each other.
¤ (To Karsa) What do you think are the biggest improvements and changes for RNG this year?
Karsa: The biggest one, I believe, is a personality change. I usually have a bit of a temper but after coming to RNG I became the lowest ranked person. Also, I think I have changed a lot for the sake of teamwork.
¤ Your thoughts and goals for Worlds?
Uzi: As long as we play like we did before and play well, I don’t believe it is a loss even if we lose. This is something that I have felt through many losses. I think maintaining a good performance is the most important.
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