On October 1st, L5 clashed against Black in the Super League finals at Sangam eStadium. Although L5 lost the first two games due to Black’s surprise Alarak draft, they persevered and seized every opportunity they could get to come back in the series. In arguably the highest level of HotS play ever, L5 swept the rest of the series 4-2 and took home the trophy.
Game 1: Battlefield of Eternity
▶ Ban: Illidan, Tassadar
▶ Pick: Tyrael (Jeongha), Li-Ming (sCsC), Johanna (Noblesse), Sylvanas (NacHoJin), Uther (Swoy)
[MVP Black]
▶ Ban: Valla, Sgt. Hammer
▶ Pick: Muradin (Sign), Greymane (Sake), Malfurion (merryday), Falstad (KyoCha), Alarak (Rich)
Rich pulled out Alarak and set the standard for how to play the newest Assassin in Game 1. Both teams took down top and bottom forts early. L5 looked to assert dominance by picking off Alarak, but Sign’s Muradin successfully harassed L5 to take the first Immortal for Black.
In the next Immortal fight, Black isolated Noblesse’s Johanna from the rest of L5. Even down a teammate, Muradin and Alarak ambushed L5 as they were trying to Hearth home. Using highly coordinated combination of Malfurion’s Entangling Roots and Alarak’s Telekinesis combo, Black quickly dispatched the enemy team and closed out the first game.

Game 2: Braxis Holdout
▶ Ban: Rexxar, Falstad
▶ Pick: Muradin (Noblesse), Valla (sCsC), Tassadar (Jeongha), Auriel (Swoy), Greymane (NacHoJin)
[MVP Black]
▶ Ban: Sylvanas, Illidan
▶ Pick: Sgt. Hammer (KyoCha), Malfurion (merryday), Li-Ming (Sake), Alarak (Rich), Artanis (Sign)
Black had a new trick up their sleeve for Braxis Holdout. The Protoss duo of Artanis and Alarak backed by Sgt. Hammer and Li-Ming’s poke damage was enough to pressure the enemy and to pick off a few enemy players if they managed to get too close. Thanks to the vision control Black gained by Sgt. Hammer’s Spider Mines, they invaded the enemy mercenary camp and pressured L5 with a Zerg wave. L5 responded by catching Alarak out of position but they eventually lost map control to Black.
L5 was not about to go down easily. sCsC’s Valla skillfully dropped a few members of Black to secure a Zerg swarm. However, Alarak’s timely Telekinesis instantly put an end to Valla. Black took out the opponent one by one with Alarak and destroyed the Core to take the series lead 2-0.
Game 3: Dragon Shire
▶ Ban: Illidan, Chen
▶ Pick: Malfurion (Swoy), Muradin (Noblesse), Li-Ming (sCsC), Thrall (Jeongha), Medivh (NacHoJin)
[MVP Black]
▶ Ban: Johanna, Tyrael
▶ Pick: Sgt. Hammer (KyoCha), Alarak (Rich), Falstad (Sake), E.T.C. (Sign), Brightwing (merryday)
Again, Black drafted Alarak and Sgt. Hammer, this time on Dragon Shire. Black took the early lead with the efficient use of Alarak’s Telekinesis while E.T.C. and Falstad soaked experience.
However, L5 came out on top in teamfights after level 10 with Li-Ming’s Wave of Force and Malfurion’s Twilight Dream both denying the enemy from landing Mosh Pit. Despite Sgt. Hammer and Brightwing being taken out of the game, Black used Falstad to contest the map objective. With a member down and Dragon Knight in the enemy’s control, things were looking grim for L5. Out of desperation, L5 forced a teamfight. They dropped most of the enemy team, including Alarak, to completely turn the tables. sCsC’s Li-Ming relentlessly pursued the remainder of Black, and L5 rushed the Core down to take the first point in the series.

Game 4: Sky Temple
▶ Ban: Illidan, Tracer
▶ Pick: Malfurion (Swoy), Johanna (Noblesse), Falstad (NacHoJin), Tychus (sCsC), Zeratul (Jeongha)
[MVP Black]
▶ Ban: Valla, Sgt. Hammer
▶ Pick: Muradin (Sign), Brightwing (merryday), Li-Ming (Sake), Tyrael (Rich), Sylvanas (KyoCha)
Both teams evenly divided control of the first temples without any kills. Black got the early experience lead with Brightwing’s lane presence, but L5 was still poised to take the game. Black first got the jump on Noblesse’s Johanna, but L5’s Void Prison-Twilight Dream combo annihilated Black and exposed the bottom lane bare. L5 took the enemy mercenary camp and controlled the temples in an effort to reach level 20.
Black saw an opening when L5 tried to take multipletemples and picked off Falstad. It seemed to even the balance, but it was in the little things that got L5 back into the game. Zeratul and Falstad caught Li-Ming out of position, and L5 used the position to leverage a win and bring the series back even with a score of 2-2.
Game 5: Garden of Terror
▶ Ban: Illidan, Johanna
▶ Pick: Muradin (Noblesse), Falstad (NacHoJin), Li-Ming (sCsC), Tyrael (Jeongha), Brightwing (Swoy)
[MVP Black]
▶ Ban: The Lost Vikings, Abathur
▶ Pick: Malfurion (merryday), Valla (Sake), Zeratul (Rich), Zagara (KyoCha), Chen (Sign)
L5 drafted for map presence with Brightwing and Falstad on Garden of Terror. Even though L5 got the first blood with global presence Heroes, Black’s Zeratul and Li-Ming led the team in total kills. Knowing the enemy Zagara opted for Nydus Network instead of Devouring Maw, L5 initiated a teamfight in their favor and pushed mid lane with their Garden Terror.
Like the previous game, L5 exploited opportunities when Black was on the map objective. L5 fought defensively to destroy the opponent’s Garden Terror, despite Black reaching level 20 first. They picked off Zeratul when the Terror expired and took the lead. Noblesse’s Muradin was especially effective in disrupting Black’s formation, and his precise execution of Rewind allowed his teammates to win the teamfight. In the final push, Noblesse skillfully piloted the Garden Terror and bought the time necessary to take down the Core.

Game 6: Infernal Shrines
▶ Ban: Illidan, Tassadar
▶ Pick: Kerrigan (Jeongha), Muradin (Noblesse), Tyrael (sCsC), Li-Ming (NacHoJin), Kharazim (Swoy)
[MVP Black]
▶ Ban: Sgt. Hammer, Johanna
▶ Pick: Valla (Sake), Malfurion (merryday), Falstad (KyoCha), Alarak (Rich), Artanis (Sign)
With the momentum in their favor, L5 got off a smooth start. Jeongha’s Kerrigan efficiently cleared the shrine guardians and took Punishers for the team. Noblesse’s Muradin subsequently jumped over the enemy wall with the Punisher to secure a kill. With Sign’s Artanis bursted down, L5 was able to knock down keeps one by one. However, Rich’s Alarak used Telekinesis perfectly to pick off Kerrigan and prevent further damage.
L5 was in it to win it; they tracked down the retreating Malfurion and successfully baited Black’s mercenary camp ambush. With Black preoccupied on Muradin, L5 went for softer targets and took the next Punisher to pressure top lane.
A teamfight broke again at the bottom mercenary camp when both teams got to level 16. Black looked like they were winning the teamfight but Muradin and Li-Ming survived to pay the favor back in kind. Sign’s Artanis tried to hold the line, but it was not enough. Along with an Arcane Punisher, L5 convincingly defeated Black in the final teamfight and destroyed the Core to become the new Super League champions.
HotS Super League 2016 Season 4 Grand Finals Result
Final Score: MVP Black 2 vs. 4 L5
1st game: MVP Black W vs. L L5 Battlefield of Eternity
2nd game: MVP Black W vs. L L5 Braxis Holdout
3rd game: MVP Black L vs. W L5 Dragon Shire
4th game: MVP Black L vs. W L5 Sky Temple
5th game: MVP Black L vs. W L5 Garden of Terror
6th game: MVP Black L vs. W L5 Infernal Shrines
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