High School Esports League (HSEL) made announcements and changes regarding the upcoming Fall Major alongside their Discord, email, and phone links to help anyone interested in registering their team. Below is the full information of the overview and changes.
Below is the full text of HSEL's 9/12/2018 press release.
Perks and Prizing

2018 Fall Major Pricing
We’ve made some big changes to this year’s pricing:

- Prices did increase from last year, but we’re putting aside 10% of each team’s registration cost to feed their game’s scholarship prize.
- Registration costs have changed to cover each event, rather than each month. This change was made to encourage teams to play the entire season and reduce frustrating mid-season dropouts and forfeit wins.
- Annual passes are available upon request and include registration for all 2018 - 2019 Majors and Opens at an even bigger discount per player.
- For those of you currently subscribed, you can stay subscribed at your current rate, but we won't be offering any new subscriptions. Anyone that cancel their subscriptions will need to purchase a pass moving forward.
- Season Passes are prorated based on time left in the Season.
- The new payment system will launch the evening of 9/11/2018.
- If you are interested in purchasing a school pass, please email aaron@highschoolesportsleague.com
Season Structure
We’ve updated all of our rules, please review them before the season: Rulebook
Fall and Spring Major - Regular Season
8 weeks of Swiss Format
- Teams compete against other teams of similar W-L records
- Teams with the best record advance at the end of the season
West Bracket. PST-MST (Top 5 Advance)
Central Bracket. CST (Top 5 Advance)
East Bracket. EST (Top 5 Advance)
1 wild card advancement slot goes to the largest bracket.
Fall and Spring Major - Postseason
Week 1 - Round of 16 and Quarterfinals
Week 2 - Semifinals and Finals

Invitationals Scholarship Distribution
Champion - 50%
2nd Place - 30%
3rd Place - 20%
Thank you all and we wish you the best of luck this season.
If you need any help, here is a guide on the process, or click here!
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