New Event: Patrigio’s Secret Shop Energy consumption -50%
- From Sept 12th to Sept 19th
- Secret Shop Discount Event will continue as well.
New Event: Mount Training and Breeding Event.
- From Sept 12th to Oct 4th
- Obtain Courser Training materials during the drop rate boost hours.
- If you breed Level 30 Tier 8 horses, you will get a Tier 8 horse by 100% chance.
New Event: Special Sales
- From Sept 12th to Oct 4th
- Horse Skill Change Coupon, Horse Appearance Change Coupon, and Horse Breeding Reset (Female) will be on sale as a package.
New Event: Happy Together New/Returning Players Attendance Rewards event
- From Sept 14th to Dec 5th
- Join a Guild and get different rewards!
New skill window for Black Spirit’s Rage skills has been added.
- Dark Knight, Striker, Mystic, Lahn
Your character will look at you at a more natural height when you first enter the game.
- The camera angle will automatically switch to a normal view when you move your mouse.
Stamina recovery motion during auto-swimming has been improved.
- Fixed the issue where Stamina was consumed during the recovery motion.
- Fixed the issue where the character did not follow the auto-path after recovering Stamina to above 1000.
- Fixed the issue where the character would stop swimming when you right-click while fast-swimming by entering Shift + W quickly.
Your character will go above the water surface when the breath gauge reaches zero in Junide River.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on the forehead part that occured when wearing Trilby Hat with certain character customization.
Bow Skill I and II will deal damage with max 6 hits.
Fixed the typo in the skill description of Turn-Back Slash III.
Fixed the issue where the Berserker could walk in the water in Hystria Ruins.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness with the Maehwa’s hair when wearing Fox Mask.
The Maehwa can now use Absolute: Stub Arrow after using backward Chase when Stub Arrow: Triple Shot is locked.
[Witch and Wizard]
Fixed the issue where buildings and ships were repaired when the Witch/Wizard uses healing skills while boss monsters are spawned.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on the neck part when you change the character’s height to maximum height.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness of the cape in Valoren Armor.
Fixed the issue where the Witch’s hair was not visible when wearing Talis Helmet.
Fixed the issue where Godr Sphera was not visible after missing the target with Hellfire.
Fixed the color difference between the Wizard’s face and neck.
Fixed the typo in the skill description of Sah Spree of Sonan.
[Dark Knight]
Black Spirit: Grip of Grudge, Spirit Hunt, and Shattering Darkness have been added.
- You can use the new Black Spirit skills by pressing F, LMB, or RMB. The skills require 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage, respectively.
- The new Black Spirit skills have more number of hits, larger AoE, and more damage.
Using the below skills on mounted enemy will knock the target down from the horse.
- Black Spirit: Spirit Legacy
- Black Spirit: Seed of Catastrophe
Skill description of Pervasive Darkness has been edited.
- Deal damage and cause stiffness > Deal damage and weaken enemies.
Fixed the typo in the skill description of Grip of Grudge.
Fixed the awkward display of the weapon when switching from combat stance to non-combat stance while wearing Crown Eagle Armor.
Black Spirit: Ferocious Assault, Ultimate Crush, and Skull Crusher have been added.
- You can use the new Black Spirit skills by pressing F, LMB, or RMB. The skills require 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage, respectively.
- The new Black Spirit skills have more number of hits, larger AoE, and more damage.
Fixed the issue where the second hit in Ultimate Crush III did not recover WP.
Skill description regarding HP recovery in the tooltip of the following skills will be more accurate. (HP recovery > HP recovery upon using the skill)
- Ferocious Assault, Flow: Bite Off, Descent of Fury
The falling animation will be displayed when using Ferocious Assault in Gardbrace mode above a certain height.
The following skills will have Super Armor only during the skill animation.
- Ferocious Assault combo
- Ferocious Assault combo after Spiral Cannon
Fixed the graphical awkwardness that occurred when wearing the Gardbrace and Edan’s Travel Wear together.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness that occurred when wearing Rosa de Sharon Shoes and the Gauntlet together.
Black Spirit: Hurricane Sweep, Spiral Torpedo, and Sea Burial have been added.
- You can use the new Black Spirit skills by pressing F, LMB, or RMB. The skills require 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage, respectively.
- The new Black Spirit skills have more number of hits, larger AoE, and more damage.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on the arm part when wearing Lemoria Armor and Scale Vambrace together.
Black Spirit: Eradication, Bleeding Hearts, and Flow: Mangler have been added.
- You can use the new Black Spirit skills by pressing F, LMB, or RMB. The skills require 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage, respectively.
- The new Black Spirit skills have more number of hits, larger AoE, and more damage.
You can now use Spring Breeze with quickslots.
You can now use Spring Breeze in Crimson Glaives mode.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on the back of the hair that occurred when wearing Sanguine Petal Helmet.
Patrigio will now sell Livre’s Gloves in his shop.
Lure Trap items have changed to Elixir with Delicate Scent.
- Materials for Boss White Wolf/Brown Bear Lure Trap have changed, and the crafting skill has changed from Manufacturing to Simple Alchemy.
Fixed the typo in the item description of Mutant Enhancer.
New items Mysterious Stone Case - Ring/Earring/Belt/Necklace have been added.
- Obtainable via new quests available in Calpheon market district or by purchasing from a NPC in Calpheon workshop with 100G Gold Bar.
- Collect 100 Remains of Mysterious Stone Case (obtainable from Mysterious Stone Case) and turn them in to NPC Elkot to get Resplendent Mysterious Stone Case.
- Items obtainable from Resplendent or regular Mysterious Stone Cases are as below:

You can no longer use the auto-boarding function by clicking the ship icon located on the top left side of the screen when you encounter a Phantom Ship.
Fixed the issue where the characters would stuck between Wooden Fences during Conquest Wars.
Fixed the issue where Fishing Boats would move forward when you press S while changing direction.
Fixed the issue where Fishing Boats would spin when you change the direction while moving forward by pressing W and directional keys.
Changing the directions of a Fishing Boat will be unavailable when the boat is moving backward.
Tomb Raider Afuaru will appear in Valencia except for Aakman Temple and Hystria Ruins.
- A system message will appear when Tomb Raider Afuaru is nearby.
- Afuaru will try to run away when you approach.
- If you kill Afuaru, you can obtain the items that it stole.
- Afuaru will sometimes use a smokescreen to escape. You can inflict crowd control effects on it to prevent it from escaping. However, even crowd controls will not be able to stop Afuaru when Afuaru is using a smokescreen for the third time.
- Afuaru is an Elite monster, so it will appear on the mini map.
- Afuaru will despawn after one minute.
- Items obtainable from Afuaru will not be affected by item drop rate buffs.
- Quests regarding Parchment dropped by a Tomb Raider (obtainable from Afuaru) will be updated later.
The following Gatekeeper monsters in Valencia will have 50% reduced HP and 30% increased AP.
- Desert Naga Gatekeeper
- Desert Fogan Gatekeeper
- Cadry Gatekeeper
- Crescent Gatekeeper
A warning message and “party recommended” message will appear when you engage in a fight against gatekeeper monsters.
The Imps in Western Guard Camp will now have weapons.
Muskan will now attack your character properly after the cutscene in [Co-op] Muskan of Madness quest.
[Quest and Knowledge]
Instant Quests where you can receive by chance in each grinding area have been added.
- The quests will automatically be accepted when you loot an item called “Dark Energy”.
- If you have maximum number of quests already, you cannot accept any instant quests.
- You can complete the quests by talking to the Black Spirit. The rewards are combat or skill exp buffs.
- You can accept a new one immediately after completing one quest.
- Valencia: Bashim, Centaur, Basilisk, Cadry, Gahaz, Desert Naga, Crescent Shrine, Desert Fogan, Roud Sulfur Mine, Pila Ku
- Mediah: Abandoned Iron Mine, Manes Hideout, Wandering Rogue, Omar Lava Cave, Marni 2nd Lab, Helms, Elric Shrine, Sausan, Soldier’s Grave, Hasra Ancient Ruins, Wilderness Golem, Pirates Island
New Story quests regarding the secrets behind Calpheon merchants and workshop workers have been added.
- You can start the quest if your character is level 50 or above. You can obtain the knowledge about Mysterious Stone Case during the quests.
New repeatable quests “Avenge me” and “I need more materials” have been added.
- You can accept one of the quests from NPC Bram (located in the building behind Giovanni Romano) if you have the knowledge Mysterious Stone Case.
- You can receive one Mysterious Stone Case as a reward.
New story quests about Aakman ancient civilization have been added.
- You can start the quest by speaking to Barhan Nesser in Said Grain Bazaar if your character is level 58 or above and have completed the quest Edana’s Descendant (Valencia Part 1 main quest).
- Available once per family.
Quests related to Kamasylvia Weasel have been added.
- You can start the quest if your character is level 50 or above, have completed [Boss] Witch-Hunting, and Hunting level Skilled 1 or higher.
- The Poacher’s Greedy Proposal
- [Repeat] Here’s a Carrot, Get Me a Fruit
- [Repeat] Getting Dizzy with Weasels
- You can get “The Poacher’s Greedy Proposal” quest from Jerrmino in Western Valtarra Mountains. (Available once per family) You will get a Stuffed Kamasylvia Weasel as a reward.

- You can get the '[Repeat] Here’s a Carrot, Get Me a Fruit!' and '[Repeat] Getting Dizzy with Weasels' quests from Mokassa at Acher Guard Post.
- You are able to hunt Kamasylvia Weasels through these quests.
- You have a chance of getting ‘Lustrous Leather’ when you butcher a Kamasylvia Weasel.
- You must have the ‘Sweet Smelling Fruit’ to accept the ‘[Repeat] Getting Dizzy with Weasels' quest.
Sound effects have been added for the dragon that Belmorn summons during the quest [Co-op] Defeat the Weakened Belmorn quest.
The following quests will give Atanis Firefly as a reward instead of a Lantern
- Why did the Goblin run away?
- Treasure Hunter: The Last Piece #3
As the crafting formula for Lure Traps has changed, quest descriptions of the following quests have been edited.
- [Daily] Defeat Boss While Wolf
- [Daily] Defeat Boss King Brown Bear
Typos during some quests have been fixed.
Fixed the issue where NPC lines would overlap with the interface during the quest Horses that don’t Run Away.
Clues for the Knowledge in Drieghan Adventure Journal II category will be displayed properly.
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
Typos in NPC Danielle Stimi’s Amity-related lines have been fixed.
Fixed the graphical glitches in the water pool in Navarn Steppe.
The gap between the stone staircase in Mirumok Ruins has been removed so the characters would not fall.
Geographical features in Terrmian Coast will appear the same as displayed in the world map.
Brightness will be more natural in Remastered/Ultra mode.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness of clouds in Remastered/Ultra mode.
Fixed the issue where the light was too bright in the following regions: Gorgo Rock Belt, Calpheon, Calpheon Shrine
Fixed the issue where the characters could not move in certain areas in Gorgo Rock Belt.
In the world map, the location of some objects in Arehaza has changed to match the actual geography.
Fixed the issue where the characters could penetrate some geographical features in Drieghan.
The music that plays during some cutscenes have changed.
Fixed the flickering Atanis Fireflies in certain areas.
The camera angle when riding a horse while equipping a Matchlock has been improved to look more natural.
Fixed the issue where Furnitures would be displayed in the Dye window if your character is an an area with placed furnitures.
Fixed the issue where some objects would flicker after exiting the observe mode.
New UI that shows the list of skills that the Fairy can learn has been added.
The confirmation message that appears when using Pearl items that cannot be refunded has changed.
The quest widget for main quests will not appear anymore if you do not have any main quests available.
Fixed the issue where Breeding Reset button appeared when Breeding is in progress.
Fixed the issue where Breeding Reset button appeared on a horse that is in the Horse Market.
Contribution EXP will be displayed on the remastered Level/Point UI.
The description regarding the rewards for conquering the Calpheon Territory has been edited to be more accurate.
Fixed the issue where the descriptions regarding the rewards for conquering a territory overlapped.
Guild mission summary will not be abbreviated regardless of the size of the font.
Fixed the issue where the cc icons and the HP bar of a hostile player overlapped.
A new function where you can purchase Merv’s Palette directly from the Dye window has been added.
Icons at the bottom right corner of the screen have changed.
- Assemble, Come Together, Summon Party, Return buttons will appear on the left side of the mini map.
- Weight and durability will appear on the left side of the mini map.
- Pearl Shop, PC Cafe play hours challenge, and Marketplace notifications will appear at the bottom. - When a new notification window pops up, a system message telling you about the notification will appear on the message window.
- Notification windows will close after 1 minute or when you click on the X button.
- A new icon showing you how many notification windows you have will be displayed when your notification windows are closed.
In the edit UI mode, you can now turn on/off the buff icons.
Fixed the issue where the chat type icon for Guild Alliance chat was not properly displayed.
Fixed the issue where the Mix and Match button in the Pearl Shop overlapped with other UI.
Caphras Enhancement button will be larger so the text does not go over the box.
Color Blindness mode for the HP bar has been added in the Remastered UI.
Fixed the issue where Friend Request icon was not properly displayed.
Fixed the issue where newly obtained knowledge window overlapped with the quest widget.
The default screen filter has changed from Vivrance to None Contrast.
Fixed the issue where the screen was abnormally displayed after changing graphical settings and open the farm placement mode.
In window mode, the maximize screen button will be clicked only when the button is activated.
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